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jollygreengiant - 7/1/07 at 11:26 AM

YO dude, is you about man.?

If read after 12:00am 07/01/2007 don't bother

[Edited on 7/1/07 by jollygreengiant]

DavidM - 7/1/07 at 03:40 PM

No, don't, you're scaring me now.


jollygreengiant - 7/1/07 at 04:05 PM

Well I thought, you had your own thread last year, why not have one this year.
I was tring to find out if you were in before I went out. Then I could have dropped the colour tune in to you on my way out. But you didnay respond so I assumed (rightly OR wrongly ) that you were out or busy.
Anyway I'm back in now and the colour tune is still here. Winking at me. Feeling lonely, unloved and unused.

Also I didn't know if you were going to the greyhound or not. I assumed that you weren't & I was right you didn't arrive before I left.

Anyway I suppose I will see you Wednesday, normalish time at the normal place.

[Edited on 7/1/07 by jollygreengiant]

DavidM - 8/1/07 at 12:54 AM

I was going to come out to play today, but for some reason I felt like crap this morning. Didn't log on until this afternoon.
See you Wednesday.
