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DVD's, Vids?
fuzzy!! - 22/1/07 at 07:15 PM

Are there any useful or interesting 7-type DVD's/Vid's available that are worth having? either build or anything else for that matter?

Catpuss - 22/1/07 at 07:42 PM

I've got a car is born and a sports car is born. Both quite interesting and slightly entertaining.

BenB - 22/1/07 at 07:47 PM

Nothing directly related to 7s....

but for motivational viewing you can't beat

- Le Mans
- Grand Prix
- Bullitt (12 upshifts and all)
- any of the "Victory by Design" series

the list goes on!!!

kj - 23/1/07 at 06:32 AM

i have build a sports car in 7 days, building a westfield hiyabusa(that car looks quick with the inboard video). i also have ultimate kit car by ian stent just 7s inc MK,DAX,QUANTIM,RAW,WESTFIELD,TIGER AND THE ORIGINAL 7 also the twin engine tiger