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Yay, finally
Catpuss - 28/1/07 at 11:25 AM

Thats is the donor kebab is stripped. The front hubs came off a treat. Its got nearly new disks and pads which is nice.

Top tip though, when hitting an upright with a rubber hammer to get it off the front strut, do it an an angle. My hammer bounced off, hit the wheel arch then me in the right eye. Feck me it hurt like hell and I have a nice Nintendo Wii style self inflicted black eye forming.

donut - 28/1/07 at 11:51 AM

ooooh that gotta hurt.

You're not a true builder unless you have injured yourself in some way!!

BenB - 28/1/07 at 01:23 PM

Ouch! That's got to hurt. With my medical hat on I would just advise that if the actual eyeball goes red and bloodshot best to get someone have a look at it (with fluroscein drops to show up abrasions- some GPs have these, most send you to eye casualty)....
Most of the time people close their eyes on impact (hence the black eye) but if you don't and the front of the eye gets injured (eg scratched) the resultant scar tissue can be rather opaque (obviously not ideal considering you need to see through it). Antibiotic drops can prevent the scarring....

Oh how they laughed in eye casualty when I went along to have my angle grinder splinter taken out of my eye. Annoyingly I was wearing goggles but it shot through the tiny gap at the side (not that they believed me....)

Dantheman - 28/1/07 at 01:24 PM

I've learned that nothing will work properly until you've drawn blood or bruised yourself.

ELO - 28/1/07 at 03:44 PM

Done a similar thing with a metal lump hammer. Hitting away nicely, got a good feel for the hammer and how it bounces back. Put it down for a few mins and someone borrows it...

I later pick up a different one and wack straight in the eye! (well, bounced off first!)

It is amazing how different hammers 'bounce' differently - certainly taught me a lesson I won't soon forget!


Catpuss - 28/1/07 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Ouch! That's got to hurt. With my medical hat on I would just advise that if the actual eyeball goes red and bloodshot best to get someone have a look at it (with fluroscein drops to show up abrasions- some GPs have these, most send you to eye casualty)....
Most of the time people close their eyes on impact (hence the black eye) but if you don't and the front of the eye gets injured (eg scratched) the resultant scar tissue can be rather opaque (obviously not ideal considering you need to see through it). Antibiotic drops can prevent the scarring....

I about shat myself when I read that. I didn't hit the eye at all but notices when reading your post that the text was fuzzy on one side. Bit of a panic until I noticed it was becuase of a nice thumb print on my glasses

Thankfully it just hit the edge of my nose and the bone around the lower eyelid. More a bruised cheek now.


Oh how they laughed in eye casualty when I went along to have my angle grinder splinter taken out of my eye. Annoyingly I was wearing goggles but it shot through the tiny gap at the side (not that they believed me....)

Ow, yes my mate who makes swords had a simiar problem. He used to test a sword by bending the tip back to the pommel (with his hands not a vice BTW, he is a fooking massive bloke) until one time a blade when breaking shot a splinter into one of his eyes. Now he just strikes the anvil a few times.