Hi everyone, thanks for all the replies to my last post, been looking about on the internet and I don't really know what to do.
Should I use the old Ron Champion book, wait for the new book, or have a look at the Tiger Avon book?
don't bother with the tiger avon book. be aware of the errors/inaccuracies of the ron champion book and we're all waiting to see the new
book but people who have seen proof copies have had good things to say about it.
Just be aware that Amazon will often quite happily take your money with a given release date then delay it, delay it a bit more, delay it even
more..... IE don't believe their release dates. I know its not up to them when the books are released but compared to other online vendors they
are often quite optimistic!!!
I think I waited for 6 months for one book to be released before they finally offered a refund!!
My Nors
Cheers I was thinking of pre ordering it tonight! I think I might pop down to a book shop tomorrow and see if I can order it there
Why do people use Amazon??? Marketing hype?
Book is cheaper in most other places. Motorbooks is £2 cheaper!!
The book will be published on the 22nd of February.
Figers crossed you all like it!
I'll be one of the first to buy a copy Chris, I've no doubt the steel will be on order the day after
Try your local motor factor for Haynes books, my local does 'em for £13-14 usually.
I use dvd.co.uk as they do not take your hard earned till they send your purchases,they are advertising the new book delivered for just over £13
What is the title of the new book? Who is the publisher? So that I can have a look for it and place an order.
Ordered Tiger book off Amazon early January. They kept putting the delivery date back. In the end cancelled order.
I am going to buy the book, Not to build from it but so I can understand what you guys with Mig welders/fake tans will be going on about for the next
ten years,
Originally posted by Thinking about it
What is the title of the new book? Who is the publisher? So that I can have a look for it and place an order.
Ordered Tiger book off Amazon early January. They kept putting the delivery date back. In the end cancelled order.