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RHD / LHD - wich is wich?
xico_ze54 - 14/2/07 at 08:40 PM

not yet know the right means of RHD / LHD.
for instance: Left Han Drive means the position of the car's side that has the steering wheel or the side of the road the car uses?

oliwb - 14/2/07 at 08:41 PM

steering wheel not side of the road.

David Jenkins - 14/2/07 at 08:41 PM

It's where the driver is in the car

LHD - left-hand drive (wheel on the left - the car is driven on the right side of the road)

RHD - right-hand drive (wheel on the right - the car is driven on the left side of the road)

Does that help?

[Edited on 14/2/07 by David Jenkins]

smart51 - 14/2/07 at 08:43 PM

Right hand drive, the driver sits on the right hand side of the car

Left hand drive, the driver sits on the left hand side of the car.

xico_ze54 - 14/2/07 at 08:51 PM

many thanks.
a different comment I heard made me some confusion

BenB - 14/2/07 at 09:35 PM

Or left hand drive is when you give your mum a lift and though you do the steering she does tells you what to do

"Mind that bus!"
"watch out for that tree"

any my mum doesn't even drive!!!

macnab - 14/2/07 at 09:52 PM

and by the sounds off it just aswell

tks - 15/2/07 at 09:55 AM

how would the MC Claren F1 be called then??

(you sit in the middle there)??



smart51 - 15/2/07 at 10:12 AM

It depends which side of the driver the handbrake and gear lever are, or which side the door is if there is only one seat

Originally posted by tks
how would the MC Claren F1 be called then??

(you sit in the middle there)??



Dazza - 15/2/07 at 01:31 PM

, to confuse a little..... NS and OS, near side and Off side, are not the same side when you are in france compared to the UK......... theres a thought when ordering bits online from a foreign dealer!!!!

DarrenW - 15/2/07 at 02:04 PM

Its a very valid question if you are looking at building your car - you wouldnt want to get it wrong would you.

t.j. - 15/2/07 at 08:21 PM

left hand is where your tumb is on the right.

If your standing in front of your car, the left is the right-side which is at the right right-side if you are sitting on the right side seat.


LHD is for normal people

RHD is for the English

David Jenkins - 15/2/07 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by t.j.

RHD is for the English

And the Welsh, Scots and Irish (north and south). Oh, and the Japanese, Australians and probably a few others as well.

DarrenW - 15/2/07 at 10:13 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by t.j.

RHD is for the English

And the Welsh, Scots and Irish (north and south). Oh, and the Japanese, Australians and probably a few others as well.

and Hong Kongese

DarrenW - 15/2/07 at 10:15 PM

If we drive RHD cars over here does that mean we should only use the right hand?
If so why is it such a crime to use a phone with the left hand?