engine has twin fortys on it with mappable ignition and is misfiring at high revs, anyboby got any ideas
Hi there are a few common possible causes .
1. On a lot of the racers the std ford ht leads can be a problem.
2. The coil pack it's self is a regular item to slowly break down giving misfires.
3. Spark plugs the genuine ford items are crap even ford dont fit them when a car is serviced but most inc ford use the ngk PTR5A11 gap at 1.1mm not
the ford recomended 1.3mm.
One of the the above is ussually the problem but other possibility's are not enough fuel presshure or insuficient fuel pump delivery - size/bore
of fuel line.
Have the ecu and carbs ever been setup.
cheers matt
Leads would be the first thing to check followed by coil then Crank sensor