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Rusty bits...
David Jenkins - 16/3/07 at 02:47 PM

I was looking at my front suspension the other day... it looks fine apart from the shocks, which have surface rust on the threaded bit of the body.

Can anyone suggest a way of protecting these threads after I've cleaned this rust off?

- If I oil or grease them, they'll collect dirt.
- If I oil/grease them, then cover the threads, it'll keep the dirt off, but may look wierd. Adjustment may be a fiddle.
- if I paint them, I can't adjust them easily.

Anyone know of a wonder coating that'll keep the water & salt out, without stopping the adjustment?


Mr Whippy - 16/3/07 at 02:49 PM

spray them with WD40 and no it does nothing to the rubber stuff

timf - 16/3/07 at 03:18 PM

candle wax !!!

G.Man - 16/3/07 at 03:22 PM

On bikes we use vaseline...

Even if it collects dirt, its easy to wipe off..

ecosse - 16/3/07 at 03:38 PM

This is the stuff you need
Scotoil Protector

Brilliant on bikes, which get hit by all the crud on the roads, and it does actually work!


Alex Rescued attachment fs365.jpg
Rescued attachment fs365.jpg

nick205 - 16/3/07 at 04:50 PM


Have a look at this corrosion block stuff

A friend of mine uses it on his boat with very good results.


David Jenkins - 16/3/07 at 05:19 PM

The last 2 substances look like the 'wonder coating' I might be looking for... maybe a trip to the local chandlery and bike shops is in order!


Jasper - 16/3/07 at 05:59 PM

Chain wax for bikes????

David Jenkins - 16/3/07 at 06:05 PM

That chain wax is messy old stuff - I've used that on bikes in the past, and it's filthy stuff!

timf - 16/3/07 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
That chain wax is messy old stuff - I've used that on bikes in the past, and it's filthy stuff!

chain oil is messy stuff, chain was is not it dries a white colour and isn't at all messy

myeates - 16/3/07 at 06:50 PM

second the scotoiler 365 spray used for years on bikes does wonders

caber - 16/3/07 at 07:32 PM

Bind with greased hessian string or cloth. This worked for many cars in the 30s mainly protecting leaf springs. probably looks a bit odd but could be covered in PVC tape to tidy up.

I am not convinved that any wonder gunge would work except in the short term and you would need to keep re applying it.


Mark Allanson - 17/3/07 at 09:38 AM

3M clear cavity wax, aerosol on and only wipe off for shows etc

David Jenkins - 17/3/07 at 09:46 AM

Well, I went out shopping and came back with a can of "ACF-50" - made by the same people who do the "Corrosion Block" stuff. It was originally made for corrosion prevention in aircraft exposed to salty sea air, so hopefully it should be effective.

I'll let you know how I get on...


[Edited on 17/3/07 by David Jenkins]

Ian Jones - 26/2/13 at 07:47 PM

a blast from the past...

but how did you get on??

David Jenkins - 27/2/13 at 08:54 PM

Good Lord - this IS a blast from the past!

It's a bit hard to see how well the spray worked, as the threads were a bit rusty to start with... but they haven't got any more rusty!

I've used that spray on loads of other steel bits and pieces, and it does work very well - better than wiping with oil or grease, anyway.

Ian Jones - 28/2/13 at 09:54 PM

thats good to know, I recived the 32oz size today.

did you find it attracted dirt etc to it like wd40 does?


David Jenkins - 28/2/13 at 10:10 PM

Not especially - just sprayed it on, left it for a while, then wiped the surplus off.