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Which Haynes book
Furious D - 4/4/07 at 07:33 PM

I have got a Tiger Cat E1 2.0L Pinto which Haynes book do i need of these two. Is one better than the other ??

No. 1


UncleFista - 4/4/07 at 07:36 PM

I've found the older "Owners workshop manuals" to be more in-depth than the newer "Service and repair" type.

It might be that the ones for the newer cars are crap though. I've not compared the 2 for the same car though, might be coincidence.

What i can tell you is the paper the new ones are printed on is absolutely atrocious, I wouldn't wipe me ar** with it

big_wasa - 4/4/07 at 07:46 PM

Ive got both books and for the pinto you want the older book.

As above more info imho

indykid - 4/4/07 at 08:01 PM

i too have both, but if you're just having one, get the older book, so no. 1

i believe the pink(?) sierra one that includes the v6 has more indepth type 9 gearbox rebuild, but i'd definitely have the turqoise one over the blue one.
i keep meaning to get a pink one to complete the set, but they usually want silly money for them at autojumbles.


Furious D - 4/4/07 at 09:11 PM

Thanks guys there are loads on ebay at 99p so looks like one will be coming my way quickly.


02GF74 - 5/4/07 at 07:18 AM

get the top one.

twybrow - 5/4/07 at 07:19 AM

I have the first one (turquoise one)... and it had a chunk missing in the middle, and they have printed the same chapter twice (not very useful unless you spill oil all over the first version!)... Anyone else have one like this?