If, like me, you're building where passers by can come up and ask "Is that a kit car , etc" keep a copy of a kit car magazine handy so
you can point to the pictures and say " Something like that "
Saves endless explanations about Lotus 7, The Prisoner , etc
It might also be handy to pin up a prominent notice saying "It'll take about a year "
It's nice that they're interested though
Contrary to what the news would have us believe i think there are some nice people out there and enjoy chats with strangers about the car. Good idea
about sticking some pics up though - a pic does help to explain it while the build is in progress.
i hope you are getting on well.
the only people i had chatting to me about my build wanted to know when all the noise would stop.
yes people are like that in sutterton
there isn't really a picture showing what mine will eventually look like.
Maybe take 2 years ish.........
While my car was in rolling chassis form my brother in law asked if the tyres I had fitted were really suitable for the beach!!!
Yes a picture of a finished car is def. a good thing to have around.
Apparently mine was a boat whilst I was building the chassis. No one had the bottle to ask just catch sly looks when they passed so I left them guessing until I evantually wheeled it out just after winter