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Netherland Car Buyer
ko_racer - 31/7/07 at 08:07 AM

I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with people from the netherlands while selling their car.

I've got mine up for sale and a guy from the Netherlands has made me an offer on it. He seems to have excellent feedback and has recently been buying lots of kit cars.

I'm always a bit dubious of non uk sales having been stung once before.

Is there a reason why they don't just buy from inside their country or are we so much cheaper?

What's people opinions on this?


madrallysport - 31/7/07 at 09:06 AM

If the guy has good feedback, and buys kit cars it should be fine, make sure you have all the money etc before it leaves your garage.

Humbug - 31/7/07 at 09:57 AM

I sold a previous kit car to a guy from Germany - not on eBay. Before I let him take the car I got the readies from him, got him to sign the V5 documentation, plus a receipt plus I scanned a copy of his ID card. I sent these off with my part of the V5 to help prove I had got rid of the car and as far as I was concerend had been exported.

Just be careful and sensible...

Edited to say that the reason that e.g. NL buyers get cars over here is that in NL (and some other countries) they can't register homebuilt cars... however, the authorities have to allow vehicles alraedy properly registerd in another EU country to be imported and registered there. I guess there's not such a big pool of cars to choose from, so they come to the UK

[Edited on 31.07.2007 by Humbug]

ruudbeckers - 31/7/07 at 10:00 AM

In the Netherlands there are not so many kitcar builders as in the Uk. I think that that has something to do with the fact that people here are afraid that they can't get the car on the road and don't know they can go to the Uk for an SVA test. So they rather buy a car from a dealer.

Ans as there are less cars build here there are less cars for sale.

ko_racer - 31/7/07 at 10:01 AM

I have actually spoken to the chap now and it makes a bit more sense why they import our cars now.

He runs a kitcar import company over there and has actually dealt with someone else I know before. So I'm a bit happier now.

t.j. - 31/7/07 at 07:29 PM

Kits can't be registered in the Netherlands as there is no SVA as in the UK. For Kit-cars are the same rules as for production-cars. That's why Kit's ain't popular anymore.

If someone want's to register a kit-car, he has to register the car first in UK and then export it to NL. That is not easy!!!
SVA, DVLA, insurance, sea, register on someones name in UK....etc..

For dutch real locosters there is one way!
If you build the chassis your self and contact the authorities in NL at the start of the build, than it is possible to get a registration in NL without register first in UK.


stevebubs - 31/7/07 at 07:51 PM

Is it Mischa from

If so, then he's well known in Sylva circles for being a top bloke

turbo77 - 4/1/10 at 05:49 PM

I have the same problem in my country I can t register kit car or my own build car. I can I mean I have the tools and technic (I work in nuclear power plant) but they just wont listen to me. So what I am thinking.
If I can get papers of crashed locost that has been street legal I can import part with vin plate and documentation and register it in my country.
Make my car and find someone in uk deliver it to UK and register to his name and then import.
Any sugestions