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Car weights - sylva leader, westfield, Dutton
Chris71 - 15/8/07 at 12:07 PM


Don't suppose anyone can give me an idea of the comparative weights of these cars, all with a Ford x-flow in for comparion.

Sylva Leader

Sylva Striker

1990 Westfield SE

Series 1 Dutton Phaeton

Vindicator Sprint (flame suit on....)

My first experience of a cross flow powered 'seven last night was a bit underwhelming and that was in a Westfield (550kg?) seem to remember the Phaetons are over 700. May well have been a slightly sick cross flow of course, but it didn't strike me as hot hatch pace, let alone a stripped down racer.

[Edited on 15/8/07 by Chris71]

nick205 - 15/8/07 at 12:40 PM

What size Crossflow was it 1300, 1600, 1700?

Edit to say...
My 2.0 Pinto Indy with 115bhp at ~650kg is by no means blisteringly quick, but easily despatches the hot hatch brigade (much to their disgust) and provides ample RWD fun.

[Edited on 15/8/07 by nick205]

[Edited on 15/8/07 by nick205]

Chris71 - 15/8/07 at 12:53 PM

......and I would expect it to as well

A 550kg car with a 110hp x-flow is still 200hp/ton. That's (previous generation) M5 levels from a relatively modest power plant.

Think that Westfield was a little sick - think it would have been left by my XR2 based Quantum, so not the 6 second 0-60 time I would have expected

Sorry back on topic - I was thinking of a 1600 cross flow.....

procomp - 16/8/07 at 06:34 AM

Hi off the ones listed above. The order of weight would be.

Lightest: sylva striker - 1990 westfield - sylva leader - dutton.

But has to be said that different builders specs could alter the first three but the dutton would be the heavier regerdless.

To give you an idea of waht thoes cars can be built to if being concience of weight when built. A sylva striker can be built to 475kg and a westfield se at 490kg.

cheers matt

Edit forgot the vindi. Would be between the leader and the dutton.

[Edited on 16/8/07 by procomp]

Chris71 - 16/8/07 at 01:30 PM

Thanks Matt.

Any idea roughly on the figures? The difference between the Westfield and the Striker (allowing for build differences) could just be the weight of a decent meal and some luggage. How much heavier are things like the Dutton and the Leader? As far as I'm aware the Sylva chassis is fairly normal seven-clone so the additional weight is purely that of the body panels (which might redeem itself at higher speeds? I know styluses are noticably quicker than similar spec'd strikers on long straights....) - so still under 600kgs perhaps? The Dutton on the other hand is a bit more chunky if I remember correctly - high 6's or 700kg? Then 700-750 for a vindicator at a guess, but that is allowing for a pinto and potentially 150+ hp.

procomp - 19/8/07 at 07:20 PM

Hi the big difference between the westfield and the sylva chassis. Is that there is nothing to a sylva chassis.

Try looking for some off the old pr sales brochures for a sylva there used to be a drawing off the chassis.

cheers matt

ned - 19/8/07 at 07:28 PM


Stylus is probably quicker than striker on long straights as you put it due to aerodynamics at high speed playing their part..


rusty nuts - 19/8/07 at 07:34 PM

Chris71 whereabouts are you? there may be someone near to you with a decent xflow engined car that would take you for a test drive. I have a 600kg? locost with a crossflow that has 127bhp at the flywheel that is no slouch.

procomp - 19/8/07 at 07:57 PM

Hi ned please do not start on the miff about the pheonix stylus ect being more areodynamic.

Just back from silverstone where yet again a 7 out run a whole host of the so called more areo cars .

POP is that another can of worms just poped open again.

cheers matt

Chris71 - 21/8/07 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
Chris71 whereabouts are you? there may be someone near to you with a decent xflow engined car that would take you for a test drive. I have a 600kg? locost with a crossflow that has 127bhp at the flywheel that is no slouch.

I'm in Chelmsford, also spend a lot of time in North London. If anyone in the area would care to show of their seven, pelase let me know

rusty nuts - 21/8/07 at 06:16 PM

Keep an eye out in the events section of the forum . We sometimes have an Essex/Suffolk meet at various places. You are welcome to a ride in mine. If you are likely to be in the Cambridge area at any time let me know , I'm near Duxford

Chris71 - 22/8/07 at 01:56 PM

Thanks will do.

Are the meetings open to any kit car owners or is it a '7/Locost thing specifically?

Seen a Leader I'm considering - it's only a 1300 and a good deal more basic than a Westfield even, but it might form the basis of a good project.

rusty nuts - 22/8/07 at 05:32 PM

The last meet we had 3 Luegos , an Aeon, 2 or 3 Locosts , a GTM Libra , an early Lotus 7 , an Austin 7 , a Sutol , Dutton and possibly some others. Sorry if I missed anybody . Sure you will have a warm welcome

Chris71 - 23/8/07 at 03:33 PM

Sounds like a wonderfully diverse meeting. Will definitely have to come along when I have something respectable to bring (in a production saloon at the moment I'm afraid) nice to see an A7 there, once of those was the first car I worked on.

(I was restoring it I hasten to add - it was during the 1990s!!)

Whereabouts do you meet?

David Jenkins - 23/8/07 at 04:04 PM

The same chap brought his 1930's 4.5 litre Bentley last year...

Melvyn - you forgot to mention the Aston Martin Vantage. (tuned to near race-pitch, BTW). Or had that gone by the time you arrived?

[Edited on 23/8/07 by David Jenkins]

rusty nuts - 23/8/07 at 05:25 PM

Think I heard the Aston although I didn't see it .

David Jenkins - 23/8/07 at 05:32 PM

I think most of the neighbourhood heard it...

A lovely noise!

Chris71 - 24/8/07 at 05:38 PM

Glad I wasn't there. Always had a think for the V8 Astons. All the drewling would have left me dehydrated!

Might have progress on the car front.... a second Leader, this time a later '400' with Fiat TC power has come to my attention.

David Jenkins - 24/8/07 at 05:40 PM

Any car envy disappeared when he said how many miles per gallon he got (10-ish if he was light-footed, 4 if he was pushing along)... and it was around £100 to fill the tank...

mawmaw - 27/8/07 at 02:57 PM

yep bag of worms, the aero does make a difference once you are over about 110mph not therefore in road cars. You would be going some to build a striker to 475 with a crossflow in it. the car in question just happened to inherit the lead and only won through a complete fluke!