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TALL DRIVER - suggestions needed
Kriss - 29/10/07 at 01:03 PM

I am buying a kit car I have decided in Feb/MArch 2008. Having sold my Clio V6 to fund this, I have roughly £7-8k to spend in total on a pre owned/built 7 style car (Indy, westie etc). My v6 was costing too much to drive 300 miles a week in so i'm buying a workhorse also

I love the Caterham 7 style car and the whole sence of occasion when driving one. I live near Caterham and took out a 1600 SV (larger than standard body) for a few hours with a sales guy, He was brilliant and said with composite style seats I would fit in no problem.

So, can you guys be so good as to list a make and model list of "7" style cars suitable for me so i dont waste anyones time viewing a car that i am too big for.

34" waist and just over 6'4" tall. my legs however are very long. I sat in a sandard caterham which when off the clutch my knee was jammed behind the s wheel

Once I have a short list of what I can fit into, then comes the choice of BEC or car and any future changes.

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for my first ever post being probably very dull. I did a few searches for this question but to no avail!

[Edited on 29/10/07 by Kriss]

Agriv8 - 29/10/07 at 01:10 PM

Hey up Shortie .

I am
Hight - 6'7"
Waist - 36" ( OK 38" !!!)
Inside leg - 38"
Feet - Wide 13's

I Fit in an MNR with no problems ( I dont even need to remove my removable wheel ).



gingerprince - 29/10/07 at 01:12 PM

Okay I'll start, I'm 6'4": -

MK Indy (and cars with similar chassis, such as Mac#1). I have an MK and fit fine - I do have a small steering wheel though to get my legs under, and my seat is bolted to the floor rather than on sliders.

MNR Vortx - sat in one and it had oodles of space.

[Edited on 29/10/07 by gingerprince]

amalyos - 29/10/07 at 01:16 PM

I'm a shorty at 6'2", but have loads of room in my MNR.
I'm in Essex (near Southend)if you fancy a sit in it to check it out.


twybrow - 29/10/07 at 01:31 PM

I am 6' 6" (although I am slender rather than bulbous!). I am building a standard size book chassis and I fits just fine (although could benefit from a smidge more foot space, or smaller shoes). When I was looking, I found the Tiger Avon (with floor mounted pedals) to be very good, the MNR was good and the Raw Striker was very good. Go to a kit car show, and have a sit in and see what you think... Remember that changing the seat can have a massive impact on how well you fit.

nib1980 - 29/10/07 at 01:45 PM

I'm 6' 2" and I fit in my locost no hassle

donut - 29/10/07 at 02:01 PM


Welcome to the nuthouse!! Most 7 style cars will accomodate you so don't worry about that. If you need to look at a few cars then pop along to Newlands Corner on Sunday 4th November as there should be a few cars there for you to look at.

If you want to have a chat and see my part built Locost then U2U (instant message) me and you can come take a look as i'm only up the road.

Johnmor - 29/10/07 at 02:08 PM

Why go for a standard 7 style when you can "Go Large" and fit a real engine!!
I'm only 5' 10" but i'm compensating!

But realy the Viento is a nice kit and can accomodate any almost any engine and size of driver

wilkingj - 29/10/07 at 02:23 PM

I'm 5ft 10" and 20 stone, My Son is 6ft 5" and 21 Stone, and I have a Luego Viento.
Luego Sportscars

Its BIG, and you would have NO trouble fitting iin it, or getting in or out.
Plus ther is a huge amount of room under the bonnet for a nice V8, or a nice smooth straight 6 pot BMW or similar.

Mine cost me a little over £8k to build, and included a full recon engine, and a few nice bits for the engine, ie Viper hurricane Cam, rhoads lifters, Webber 4 barrel carb and manifold, etc.

It goes very well (even with my son and I in it) and was worth the effort.

You wont find a bigger 7 style car than the Viento. have a lok through my archive pictures or my website.
My Website

Take your time, sit in and get rides in as many different cars as possible. You will get a better idea of what you really what.
your budget is ample for a 7 car.

Good Luck, Oh.. and welcome to the mad house
(theres a good bunch of chaps and chapesses on here really!)

If you want to buy mince, then drop me a U2U

wilkingj - 29/10/07 at 02:28 PM

Viento on the Left (Large one) and the Velocity on the Right. The Velocity is slightly taller than a Locost by about 2" to accomodate taller engines like the Ford Pinto.

Go on... You know you want a Viento

Viento Versus Velocity (Size)
Viento Versus Velocity (Size)

donut - 29/10/07 at 04:56 PM

Johnmor: a 'REAL' engine for the Viento would be a V8!!!!! not that mad angry Italian thing

Johnmor - 29/10/07 at 05:34 PM

Ever driven an Alfa V6?!!!!!

Then drive a Rover V8!!

and come back and say that!!!

wilkingj - 29/10/07 at 05:38 PM

Nowt wrong with a V8... Mostly driver for that lovely V8 Burble.

Alfa V6 is a nice engine, and probably better performance than a std 3.5 RV8 on Carbs.

Its a matter of personal Choice.

If its a matter of pure performance, then probably neither would be the absolute best.

Agriv8 - 29/10/07 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Johnmor
Ever driven an Alfa V6?!!!!!

Then drive a Rover V8!!

and come back and say that!!!

Have done - driven a
v6 gtv 2.5 IIRC ( original one )
33 3.0 cloverleaf ( used to oil plug on no 6 IIRC )

both excelent, light, throaty italian stalions that would work very well in a 7. But for me it had to be the Rover v8 - just floats my boat I suppose.

2p's worth deposited



MK Charlie - 29/10/07 at 06:35 PM

I'm 6'5 with 36" waist. I'm long legged rather than bodied and fit into my mk indy perfectly. I have a pair of high sided GRP seats bolted to the floor and have the original SVA wheel and still have plenty of room. The footwell isn't too restrictive compared to other 7's IMHO.

bimbleuk - 29/10/07 at 06:45 PM

I'm 6'2" with long legs and fit in my Striker with the standard foam bench seats or a GRP high back seat. They are narrow compared to other 7 style cars so thats where the limit is more likely to be first.

Kriss - 29/10/07 at 07:45 PM

wow - what an awesome responce. posted a similar thread on piston heads which didnt get much of a responce.

MNR? whats that then?

secondly, what are Mac#1? do they tune existing 7's or do they fulyl make their own cars?

wheres the best place to look at ad's?

i love the composite style seats and bolting to the floor makes lots of sence for freeing up room. is this an easy task to do?

rusty nuts - 29/10/07 at 08:02 PM

As someone has already suggested try going to a kit car show and try a few for size. Exeter show is in a couple of weeks although a bit of a trek?

Agriv8 - 29/10/07 at 08:12 PM


MNR linky



donut - 29/10/07 at 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Johnmor
Ever driven an Alfa V6?!!!!!

Then drive a Rover V8!!

and come back and say that!!!

An American V8!!! WAHEY!

Johnmor - 29/10/07 at 10:13 PM

Nothing wrong with a V8 , nice noise and great torque. But the they seem not to respond as quick and the bigger they are the slower they respond.

How about a 3.8 V6 as compromise

donut - 30/10/07 at 07:11 AM

Nope. Don't care if they don't respond as quick as it's the noise for me!!

Anyhoo the record braking Ultima (Fastest at almost everything!) has a chevvy V8 and no driver aids and is still the tops.

fesycresy - 30/10/07 at 09:43 AM


I've sent you a u2u.


Dale - 31/10/07 at 03:11 AM

6'4" 245 lbs I even have room to work the pedals wih size 13 steeltoes. As comfy as a lazyboy.

chrisg - 31/10/07 at 10:01 AM

Haynes Roadster, tall drivers a speciality



[Edited on 31/10/07 by chrisg]

Kriss - 31/10/07 at 01:31 PM

I love the look of fesycresy 7.

I also love the MAC#1's and Dax Rush.

I am wanting the car for weekend use which includes motorway driving from surrey to canterbury every few weeks.

I also plan on doing a couple of track days but nothing too serious or frequent.

Whats the preferred engine choice. Boke or car? (such obvious novice questions I know) I have heard that bike engines need to be on full chat to work over and above that of a car engine.

wet weather gear and boots/storage. Whats the deal with these? Are there some 7's that come with no boot at all. And the same for WetW gear?

finally - I have not got a clue about car maintance. I would want some one to serive/set up the car in the surrey/croydon area. Annoying that Caterham are only just down the road but their cars are well out my budget!

pleas ekeep the posts flowing - seems a great resource here



worX - 31/10/07 at 05:18 PM

Well if you love the look of Fesycresy's car and the MAC1 then you are in luck!

They are one in the same. I know that Fesycresy's car is a particularly good example of one, and can vouch for him being a "large lad" (oo er ).

Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to CEC Vs BEC. But I didn't build my car to drive to the south of france every weekend, I built to have fun in - Pure and Simple! You can't beat a BEC (literally! ). If you want to do some motorway driving aswell then my engine (a 919 'Blade) probably isn't the best, you would be better with an injected R1 or something similar - that would be the best of both worlds then!

Wet weather gear? Just go to your local bike shop and buy an all-in-one stuff pack kind of thing and just keep it behind your seat always...

By the time you have done a couple of trackdays and had advice from the friendly bunch on here, you won't need someone else to service your car for you - you will be able to do it yourself!

If you are looking to buy a car, speak to the person selling to ask service advice.


[Edited on 31/10/07 by worX]

Kriss - 31/10/07 at 10:45 PM

cheers for that!

think next on the things to do list is to go to as many kit car shows as i can to get an idea of size and comfort etc. although I will not be buying brand new, I imagine manufactures will understand!

how do BEC owners cope if they have no reverse? I know it sounds silly, but if you need to reverse park at a pub car park on a sunday spirited drive, is it a case of get out and push?

Jon Ison - 31/10/07 at 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Kriss
is it a case of get out and push?

In a word Yes.

Are your arms not long enough to reach the floor ? Mine are.

you very quickly require a 2nd sense for parking on the slope that you can roll out of, i had no problems last week on a 3 point turn when i went the wrong way, just chose someones drive with the desired slope on it, a quick press of the loud pedal tends to get you turned around too.........

donut - 1/11/07 at 10:11 AM

Go visit Mark and Colin at MAC#1. Probably second to none for good service, Free spot on advice and damn good coffee!!!! plus they have a little shop where you can go buy stuff.

MNR seem very good also.

DarrenW - 1/11/07 at 10:41 AM

As with several low volume kit car places Mac#1 started life building other kits. However that was 5 years + ago now and since then they have developed there own range of cars. Good product coupled with great customer service has seen them grow from strength to strength.

Shame you are so far away as there will be a good range of cars at their place this saturday. The new worx RR cars with BEC power are worth looking at. Bigrich has just got one on the road at its proving to be a potent road warrior.

Iam biassed in recommending Mac#1 but only from a satisfied customer point of view.

Kit car shows are a good starting point, however i will guarantee your head will be done in by the various options etc. Its not easy to compare like for like. If you wont be buying a kit and building yourself then your choice will be limited by availability of cars on the market at that point in time. You dont see many Mac#1's come up for sale for example. There are plenty on the road but not many people like to part with them.

Trackdays might be another way to see a few being driven in anger and get chance to sit in them. Take a helmet along and someone might take you out for a spin. After that see if there are any local meets near you. Most people will talk openly about there cars and give you an honest (in their view) appraisal.

Kriss - 1/11/07 at 12:06 PM

good advice - thanks

is there an events list ata ll anywhere? I have done a fair few track days but never thought of just asking someone for a quick ride round - spose the saying dont ask dont get springs to mind.

I'm slightly off put maybe by where I am situated. Most manufactures and support seem to be up north. Are there any south or south east? I use to service my v6 120 miles away as the service i had was brilliant for example!

wilkingj - 1/11/07 at 02:03 PM

Originally posted by worX
Wet weather gear? Just go to your local bike shop.
[Edited on 31/10/07 by worX]

OOhh Thats the expensive way.
Wait for the BMF bike Show at Peterborough, then visit the Frank Thomas Rejects tents there were 4 marquees FULL of gear. Some is really reject, but most appears to be mail order returns they cant sell off as new (Thats what they told me).

I got a £140 aquapore jacket for £40, and a £90 one for £25. All good kit.
OK they dont have the armoured shouldepads left in them, but you are not using it on a bike.
Gloves for £5, and excellent ones for £10.

The trick is to examine every seam, zip, popper, pocket very carefully. Most stuff is very good. But the prices are even better.
Its worth the time spent checking the kit for defects. 50% plus that I looked at, was perfect or near perfect.

I kitted out me and the wife for under £100, which is less than the cost of just one jacket.

Also got two New ACU gold stamped helmets for £30 each. But Not from a Rejects store. I am XXXL in the head, and couldnt get one locally to try on, which is why I went to the show in the first place, because of the number of dealers all in one place.
Took me several helmets to find a make that fitted my head size withough being uncomfortable.

Then I got the other bargains!
Well worth a visit.

worX - 1/11/07 at 05:11 PM

Originally posted by wilkingj
Originally posted by worX
Wet weather gear? Just go to your local bike shop.
[Edited on 31/10/07 by worX]

OOhh Thats the expensive way.
Wait for the BMF bike Show at Peterborough, then visit the Frank Thomas Rejects tents there were 4 marquees FULL of gear. Some is really reject, but most appears to be mail order returns they cant sell off as new (Thats what they told me).

I got a £140 aquapore jacket for £40, and a £90 one for £25. All good kit.
OK they dont have the armoured shouldepads left in them, but you are not using it on a bike.
Gloves for £5, and excellent ones for £10.

The trick is to examine every seam, zip, popper, pocket very carefully. Most stuff is very good. But the prices are even better.
Its worth the time spent checking the kit for defects. 50% plus that I looked at, was perfect or near perfect.

I kitted out me and the wife for under £100, which is less than the cost of just one jacket.

Also got two New ACU gold stamped helmets for £30 each. But Not from a Rejects store. I am XXXL in the head, and couldnt get one locally to try on, which is why I went to the show in the first place, because of the number of dealers all in one place.
Took me several helmets to find a make that fitted my head size withough being uncomfortable.

Then I got the other bargains!
Well worth a visit.

I don't see how "that's" the most expensive way - my waterproofs were reduced from £60 to £25 as last years colours (black ) but I have bought more than a couple of things over the years from them (J&S Accessories) being a biker and the manager gave 'em to me for free! Not really that expensive...
