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Crossflow gearbox to engine bolts
dwyer - 17/11/07 at 07:27 PM

I dont suppose anyone has any spare bolts for the engine to gearbox on a crossflow (As shown on the attached). If anyone has any kicking around spare I will be happy to buy them / pay postage.


Simon Rescued attachment Engine Bolts.jpg
Rescued attachment Engine Bolts.jpg

MikeR - 17/11/07 at 08:12 PM

I'm sure they're 3/8 unc - a search on here will confirm. Local bold place should be able to do them.

TGR-ECOSSE - 17/11/07 at 08:41 PM

If you have a local scrappy the bolts are the same as escorts,fiestas etc and they are easy to get at.

rusty nuts - 17/11/07 at 11:42 PM

3/8 unc as already suggested, should be easy to get hold of