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I've done a blog, I've done a blog, I've....
Simon - 29/12/07 at 06:36 PM

Comments please, but be nice, it's the first time of done this sort of thing



t.j. - 29/12/07 at 06:41 PM

Nice, now you can take the adress in your footer.

i'm making one right now.
If there's anything to see i will let know.

Mansfield - 29/12/07 at 06:45 PM

Looks good, was it easy or a total nightmare?

I like the way you have vented thru the side panels, very nice.

Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 06:53 PM

very cleaver, I don't know how to do that kind of thing.

saying that it looks quite straightforward

[Edited on 29/12/07 by Mr Whippy]

bonzoronnie - 29/12/07 at 07:41 PM

A very nice, well laid out blog.

I want one

Pity I am a computer moron


Simon - 29/12/07 at 07:47 PM


It ain't difficult That the whole point. The only painful part is it has a tendency to put pics in the wrong place, but you just drag to the right place.

Get onto blogger, pick a template, and start adding.

Posting to it is more or less identical to posting on here (maybe better as it saves as you write).

1) Click "Add new post" or similar.
2) Type away
3) Add pics and move to where you want them.
4) Click Publish

I was a bit concerned once I started, but I think I'm going to start suffering writers' diahorrea

So the car will take even longer!



donut - 29/12/07 at 08:28 PM

Talking as an ex web designer i say well done!

onzarob - 29/12/07 at 09:18 PM

Looks good, nice to see some reasoning behind the pictures of huge turbos......I have now come to the conclusion your Mad

t.j. - 30/12/07 at 01:21 PM

Originally posted by onzarob
Looks good, nice to see some reasoning behind the pictures of huge turbos......I have now come to the conclusion your Mad

probably scary to be the passenger....

t.j. - 30/12/07 at 04:31 PM

I did it too: my blog!

Simon - 30/12/07 at 06:50 PM


I think to confuse everyone you should do it in Engutch, or Dunglish though I guess it depends if you want it read by most of the world, or a few people in NE Europe

Maybe write in in Dutch, but have an English translation underneath.

Easy innit



TimC - 30/12/07 at 07:31 PM

Cool - Coozer did explain how to put a hit counter on but I didn't get it. Perhaps you're more savvy than me - might be worth asking him.