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Oh.... bugger!
David Jenkins - 31/12/07 at 05:05 PM

Pardon my French, but I've just discovered that my newly-made bike carb manifold doesn't fit when the rocker cover is on!

It's my fault, nobody else's, but it is annoying - especially when I had hoped to get the manifold fixed and the water system re-filled this afternoon.

I have now got to remove 2mm along a 350mm length of 10mm ali. Not so hard, except the inlet pipes are likely to get in the way, plus they stop me getting a decent enough grip to stop chattering while I saw and file.

I'd take it to a machine shop, but I commute Mon to Fri and they're all shut on Sat. Apart from the fact that I want to get the job done in the near future...


worX - 31/12/07 at 05:08 PM

Could you borrow/buy a series of Files that would allow you to do it at home?

Starting at a Really coarse (bastard/rasp) file moving down to what you prob already have in your toolbox?

It might take you a while, but it would be all in your control and cost nothing?


madrallysport - 31/12/07 at 05:15 PM

David you have a u2u message

David Jenkins - 31/12/07 at 05:34 PM


I've got all the tools - I just wish I didn't have to use them!

I've nearly finished sawing off the excess - just paused for my dinner - then I can just tidy it up with files. It'll be finished tonight, hopefully.

Just very annoying, especially as it was all my own fault...

rusty nuts - 31/12/07 at 05:56 PM

Look at the bright side David , at least you have worked off a few Christmas calories.

David Jenkins - 31/12/07 at 06:05 PM

That's true! Before I started sawing I turned on the heater next to my bench.

After 10 minutes sawing the heater was turned off!

worX - 31/12/07 at 06:21 PM

It'll be right when you've finished mate, just think about that and it won't be too bad!

And if I was being honest, I'd much rather be repairing my own mistake rather than someone else's because I can take it out on me, but can't really take it out on the people making most of the mistakes I've been repairing over the last year or so...


MkIndy7 - 31/12/07 at 06:48 PM

Sounds like the kind of situation where the Dremmel is your best friend!

David Jenkins - 31/12/07 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by MkIndy7
Sounds like the kind of situation where the Dremmel is your best friend!

Hacksaw, followed by a coarse file, then a flap-wheel. Job now done
(less stressful than I thought it would be...)

Here's the first fit to the engine.

First fit of bike carbs
First fit of bike carbs

Not much space left on that side of the engine compartment any more! Mind you, there's a lot of room underneath, now the crankcase breather's gone, together with the fuel pump and dizzy!

No carbs
No carbs

[Edited on 31/12/07 by David Jenkins]

DarrenW - 31/12/07 at 11:34 PM

Well done David. I bet you are pleased you used ali now

Install is looking well smart. Keep perservering - it WILL be worth it. Here's to a power hike in the new year. Happy 2008.