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diff or half shaft gone?
locoboy - 23/1/08 at 11:49 AM

My mate has a 1991 disco 200tdi and when we were off roading at the weekend he heard a bang and lost drive.

He rolled back down the hill and saw a rock that he thought he had hit (I don’t think he hit it)

When trying to drive again there were all sorts of nasty grating noises.

We towed it back to the yard and later found when the front end was lifted up and drive engaged the front prop would spin but the wheels would not.

When put in Diff lock the car would drive – using the rear wheels.

This points at front diff or broken half shaft doesn’t it?

Is there a way of determining which without things getting messy!

The grating noise has gone now, neither front wheel spins when drive is applied, when one front wheel is turned the other one does not move either.


DarrenW - 23/1/08 at 12:12 PM

More likely to be the half shaft, its a common fault especially if you use big grippy nobbly tyres. Removing the half shafts seems to be simple enough so shouldnt take long to diagnose.

You cant rule out the diff at this stage but shaft is more likely.

MikeRJ - 23/1/08 at 12:13 PM

The CV joints on the Disco can fail due to water ingress etc.

BenB - 23/1/08 at 12:17 PM

Shouldn't they make clacking and clicking noises if they're about to fail?? I know the one on my tintop does

TGR-ECOSSE - 23/1/08 at 01:15 PM

Its more than likely the halfshaft. Its not too big a job to get them out to check. I'v got a spare front axle from my disco if you want. Just let me know when you will be up to get it

02GF74 - 23/1/08 at 02:57 PM

a diff's a diff's a diff....

Series LR were prone to busting rear halfshafts but not heard of many breaking the front ones; likewise with defender.

I don't think will be able to tell if its the diff or 0.5 shaft.

If you jack up one ront wheel and turn it - the prop should turn, if not then it is shaft or diff.

Do other side if prop does not turn then it is most lilely to be diff (unlikely to broke two half shafts).

If both wheels trun the prop, it may be central diff but I doubt it.

... and it is more likley to be a CV join going than the shaft itself.

ultimately you are gonna take the front axle part.

DarrenW - 23/1/08 at 03:16 PM

Front half shafts can and do break. A mate did one recently. Its also hard to tel between failed dff and just the half shaft but all will become apparant when old shaft is removed.

Mr Whippy - 23/1/08 at 05:10 PM

also been can get stronger half shafts

adithorp - 23/1/08 at 05:35 PM

Half shaft!
