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Stuart Taylor Motorsport
nick a - 23/1/08 at 08:51 PM


I see from there website that Stuart Taylor Motorsport have moved to Burton on Trent, As this is localish to me i wondered where they are based, there is no address on the web site ? Will try phoning at the weekend if no luck

Thanks Nick

Richard Quinn - 23/1/08 at 09:02 PM

Dunno! I know Steve Huckerby (Aries) has taken over the Loco range. He's in Ilkeston. The Phoenix appears to now be being developed and marketed by Rainbird Racing which is something to do with Phil Squance of Caged. Caged are in Somerset.

BenB - 23/1/08 at 09:03 PM

Caged were making the round tube Phoenix chassis for STM before they sold the square tubed chassis to Cyana and the Locost project to Aries....

BenB - 23/1/08 at 09:04 PM

..... which does kind of make you wonder what Ian Gray is focusing on

MikeR - 24/1/08 at 12:05 AM

probably racing its what he seems to enjoy doing.

procomp - 24/1/08 at 08:37 AM

Hi Stuart taylor / Ian are no longer involved in the kit industry as they where before.
He is however still tinkering with his latest project. And will have one built by the end off the year i think. But it is not LOCOST by any means

As said above all the Kits have been sold off to various people listed in the above posts.

CYANA who have the square tube pheonix.

ARIES motorsport who have the locost for the locost championship and for road going whith either CEC or BEC.

RAINBIRD racing Who have the round tube chasis pheonix.

HTH cheers Matt