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Narrow sausage filter
David Jenkins - 22/3/08 at 08:07 PM

I'm on the last legs of getting my bike carb conversion in place, but I'm getting cheesed off trying to set up an airbox/filter. Now I'm looking for the quick and simple solution, which is a sausage filter.

Trouble is, the stock sausage filter backplates are 150mm top to bottom, and I haven't got that much space to spare.

Does anyone know of a sausage filter that is about 100mm top to bottom and around 375mm wide?

All clues gratefully accepted!


worX - 22/3/08 at 09:14 PM

Can't help with a direct answer I'm afraid, but I would say that most filters (mine's a TTS one) are "handed" ie the dome is closer to one side of the "150mm" width than the other, so when I had a lower bonnet line I spun the backplate through 180' and only then did it fit.

I know this might be useless info for you, but if there's a chance it may help it's worth saying!


snapper - 23/3/08 at 11:37 AM

Pipercross do them 65mm thick and the PX500 range is for bikes

chriscook - 25/3/08 at 09:27 AM

I got a custom sausage from ITG as i was very restricted for space with my carbs. It ended up being entirely made from foam, like socks but for all 4 trumpets - like a sausage. I think it actually cost less than a normal sausage.

rusty nuts - 25/3/08 at 07:11 PM

How about an airbox with a remote filter?

David Jenkins - 28/3/08 at 03:44 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
How about an airbox with a remote filter?

I've been trying to do just that, just in case I can't find a suitable filter. I really don't have much space though - I can fit an airbox, but have few routes for the inlet and its filter.

Still, it's fun playing around with this stuff, especially as it's peeing down again so I can't drive it anyway!