Just insured with Suretem with club forum discount. They are now looking for proof I'm on here. I phoned them they said the E-mail you get when
you join is fine. Cool, I thought, I have that but i don't. I just have a password reminder email.
Is there anyway I can get this resent?
how much was the discount? cheers
You generally get a discount for being a member of an owners club. Didn't think they gave discounts just for being registered on a web forum?
register a new account and send them that?
get them to email chrisg
Best to send a u2u to fozzie i'm sure she can sort that
Originally posted by dan__wright
get them to email chrisg
Steve..(Monkeybasher)....you have u2u's.....
Thanks for your help all, especially Fozzie.
Fozzie you have u2u back
I can't regenerate the confirmation email, but...
If you are a contributor with a verified Paypal account - ie they have confirmed your address, and I can see it matches the one you give - I will
happily confirm (as site operator) via email to an insurance company.
Regards, Chris