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Regimented obstreperous t0$$er!
gingerprince - 12/5/08 at 11:54 AM

Excuse me but I need to vent.

Had an MOT booked this morning for 11am for the MK - same place I had it done last year (albeit a different man doing the testing I now find out). Took the morning off work so I could take it, wait with it etc.

Arrived about 10:50. Expected to wait a bit for my MOT to start as appointment wasn't until 11. About quarter past he finally comes out and asks for the keys.

I looked at his big rigger-boots and offered to drive it up onto the ramps explaining that it's a very small pedal box with very sensitive pedals and showing him the sort of things I drive it in. Then it begins: -

"can I just explain to you sir, if I can't drive the car then I can't properly test it". I asks him why and he said because he can't feel the brake pedal etc. He goes on to say "how could they have tested it properly last year if you drove it on?" Well, they got in the car and felt the pedal whilst up on the ramp. Nevertheless I wanted an MOT so I gave him the keys. Watched a couple of minutes as he tried to battle the pedals with his boots on. Then explained to him how to start it. Then explained how to engage 1st gear. Then watched him rev the t1ts off it and stall it. Then stall it again. Then ask how to engage reverse gear, to which I explained it doesn't have one as it's a bike engine. At which point he asks me how to engage neutral, stops the engine and gets out of the car explaining how he "has to go ring vosa or whatever".

So I sit around for another 30 MINUTES (bearing in mind I booked it in for 11 so it could be tested in time for me to get to work around lunchtime). He eventually emerges from the office, smarmy grin on his face to declare that he can't test the car because: -

1) He can't drive it - Not my fault he has big boots on!

2) It has no reverse so he couldn't possibly get it off the brake test ramp. So how did they do it last year then? Oh yes, they pushed it. The same thing I do. The same thing they have to do with bubble-cars and other bike engined cars that are perfectly road legal!

So I've wasted a morning off work to be p1ssed around by an obstreperous nazi @sshole and will no doubt lose a few more nice days driving having to rebook somewhere that doesn't employ c0cks.

I had to leave in a hurry before I smacked the t0sser in the mouth. Needless to say I'll be speaking with his boss and also with VOSA trying my hardest to cause as much trouble for the miserable b@stard as possible.

And if anyone had any plans to book an MOT at HiQ in Stanningley, Leeds - DON'T!

Sorry, I've finished ranting now

nick205 - 12/5/08 at 12:00 PM

what kn0b - make sure you kick and cause as much strife as possible.

Might be worth finding a small independent test station and get them to confirm they're happy to test it before booking with them.

I use a local guy who has a healthy taste for more interesting vehicles and is very accomodating.

Benzine - 12/5/08 at 12:01 PM

Sounds like

1) he's jealous
2) he needs to get laid

whitestu - 12/5/08 at 12:02 PM

Unbelievable - You'd think an MOT tester might have a vague interest in cars and as such would try to be helpful!

smart51 - 12/5/08 at 12:07 PM

To add a bit of balance, HiQ in Oldbury let me use their emissions machine for free to set up my BEC emissions prior to SVA.

I guess you were unlucky to get an arse testing your car, something I'm worried about when I get to do mine for the first time later in the year.

I'm sure if you ask on here, someone will recomend a kit friendly MOT centre not to far from you.

Better luck next time.

locoR1 - 12/5/08 at 12:07 PM

That sucks what a t0sser i hope you didn't have to pay for the part test if you did i would insist on your money back as a very minimum when you contact VOSA

I suppose in that respect I'm very lucky a mate of mines got a luego and as a bonus also owns an mot station

Mr Whippy - 12/5/08 at 12:09 PM

what a c%nt

I do all the driving and operating the car for my buggys test as the MOT guy would rather not try to drive it.

I would if I were you

1) complain to the pr%ks boss and demand a free MOT and a refund of any expenses

2) post this on piston heads also

3) sent them an e-mail with the links to the sites pointing out the damage they have just done their garages reputation.

His boss will hit the roof

eznfrank - 12/5/08 at 12:09 PM

Did you leave some nice big rubber on the road when you pulled out?

Mr Whippy - 12/5/08 at 12:17 PM

oh even better, its a big company

e-mail here -

that should kick up a stink

r1_pete - 12/5/08 at 12:19 PM

What a total TW@T, driving my daily drive in rigger boots is nigh on impossible, driving in a confined space needs care and attention, so, add strange car, inapropriate footwear, confined space......

Did you get the number of his jobsworth cap....

Create as much stink as you can about this....

02GF74 - 12/5/08 at 12:41 PM

how very unfortunate.


about the issues re: not being able to test it due to you not being allowed to operate controls and reverse gear thing.

Ask them how you go about making a complaint to the body that overseas MOT as you have not been fairly treated - could be same body.

Surprising they are quite quick to respond.

Coose - 12/5/08 at 12:51 PM

I can give you the details of a "proper" test centre if you like, though it's in Malton (not a bad drive out from Leeds ). The guy who owns it used to grass track Mini's and now does trackdays on bikes. He's a decent bloke and will be more than happy to sort you out!

JUD - 12/5/08 at 01:04 PM

A bit OT, but perhaps the Moderators can set up a sticky where people post the details of "sensible" MOT centres? If the subject had a regional area in it then people should be able to trawl it pretty easily.



mookaloid - 12/5/08 at 02:00 PM

I would definitely complain to their head office and the MOT /VOSA or whoever regulates the testers.

iank - 12/5/08 at 02:01 PM

What you need is a V17.
or go back to the testing station and ask them to supply you with one

grub - 12/5/08 at 02:12 PM

that v17 form should do the trick and get his na-kers volid

BenB - 12/5/08 at 03:05 PM

What a bell end....
I'd write to VOSA, the sooner he gets fired the better!!!

Unfortunately what with MOTs now being computerised it's likely some idiots tester won't know the MOT rules, they'll just how to test the things the computer tells them to...

Whatever next, he'll start wearing a top-hat so he can refuse to test tintops on the basis of headroom....

DIY Si - 12/5/08 at 03:16 PM

I had the complete opposite at my recent MOT, but it was at a small independent garage. I would never trust anywhere mainstream with my pride and joy. I pull up, the bloke declares me a nutter for owning such a silly car, and then takes all of 10 minutes to MOT is, as he'd run out of stuff to test after that long. Since the brake roller was broken I offered to take him up the road with the 4X4 G meter. He went a little bit pale and just asked if it pulled up square and did the handbrake work!!
Guess where I'm going next year for the MOT?

theconrodkid - 12/5/08 at 03:20 PM

vosa do take complaints seriously,i would write to them and give the details,they may pay him a "visit"

gingerprince - 12/5/08 at 03:59 PM

Just spoken to the local VOSA enforcement office. They're taking it seriously, so they've asked me to put in writing exactly what happened, and they may if required send someone to interview me for further details, saying that with the right grounds there is the potential for diciplinary action.

Handy thing is the local enforcement guy is having a meeting with the HiQ MOT big-cheese on Wednesday so he'll be bringing it up with them

Sounded very helpful so hopefully things will progress.

It's just a real shame, the other 2 testers there I know are perfectly fine and reasonably, I think this is a new(ish) guy as I've not seen him before.

Funny though, when I rang up to get the guys name (didn't get it at the time I had to just get out before I hit him) the person on the phone I know was one of the other testers. When I asked for his details and explained why I wanted them, there was no attempt to disuade me from lodging a complaint. Guess they want rid of him too

clairetoo - 12/5/08 at 04:21 PM

That guy sounds a total a%se....... hope he gets sorted good and proper
I have a good local MOT place - last time I took it in , I was a little worried about a front tyre being a bit worn - he said " of course it will pass , it`s a kit-car"

steve m - 12/5/08 at 04:59 PM

"Unbelievable - You'd think an MOT tester might have a vague interest in cars and as such would try to be helpful!"

to true! my first MOT in 1999, the mot guy was pretty tall 6'5" ish, and was gutted he couldnt drive it on the ramps, he did try, and very funny as its built for me and im 5'4" ish
so i drive it on the ramps, and doo all the brake tests etc.quite good fun really,

I dont think ive ever come across anyone, who doesnt want to drive or sit or go for a blap in my car, wait!! except for my Father, who doesent like it ????

mmmm Mum, is adament JEOLOUSY ?

[Edited on 12/5/08 by steve m]

miikae - 12/5/08 at 05:17 PM

HiQ are fully aware of this thread and now Head Office are in the process of sorting it all out .


jollygreengiant - 12/5/08 at 05:27 PM

As already stated, walk in and demand a VT17. It is your right to be supplied one and watch their faces as you do it. If their is one thing that test centres DO NOT like its an appeal for ANY reason.

graememk - 12/5/08 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by miikae
HiQ are fully aware of this thread and now Head Office are in the process of sorting it all out .


tell us more mike

froggy - 12/5/08 at 07:15 PM

did your car pass? i doubt this will come to anything as the appeal form is to deal with cars that should have failed or should have passed not for the tester being a knob. why anyone takes their car to a chain for a test is beyond me

oops re read the first post ,if anything the guy might get 30 points and the same for the ae which is nothing .if he was on the phone to vosa then they must have given him some grounds for refusing to test it probably because it has no reverse gear . i would go and get your money back and put it behind you as you need a thick skin to get by in the motor trade and even more so if you are a tester

[Edited on 12/5/08 by froggy]

adithorp - 12/5/08 at 07:22 PM

At my SVA today the tester joked "lets see how many times I stall it" when about to get it out of the rollers. I asked if it was easier if I pushed him and he thought that was a good idea!

Is the Hi-Q still one of thiers or has it been franchised off. They've been doing this for the last year. Also VOSA use Hi-Q to test new procedures (they did the computerisation testing).

Find an independant test station, make friends with them and check when thay are quietest before taking a kit in. Much as they might enjoy testing it they'd rather not do it when busy with wee easy 3 year old tin tops.


miikae - 12/5/08 at 07:38 PM

Originally posted by graememk
Originally posted by miikae
HiQ are fully aware of this thread and now Head Office are in the process of sorting it all out .


tell us more mike

I contacted HiQ head office and told them about the problem also to look on here for the full SP so far , They did just that and emailed me as below--
To Quote --HiQ

Dear Mike,

Thank you for making us aware of this. I will escalate this to the relevant Operational Manager.


HiQ Customer Service
Watch this space to see what happens .


gingerprince - 13/5/08 at 09:03 AM

There should be no difference whether taking it to a chain or an independent garage. The MOT is a regulated test and you should be treated the same way wherever you go. I've MOT'd mine and the Mrs's tintops there for the last few years, and the MK got MOT'd there 18 months ago with no issues.

Now got it booked into an indy garage on Thursday, as recommended from a friend who knows he's a reasonable chap!

For reference, I didn't get charged because the test didn't even start, so the V17 won't be of use. I have now written to the VOSA enforcement office though so will leave it with them.

gingerprince - 15/5/08 at 10:14 AM

Well, got the car MOT'd at another garage this morning and passed with no problem And it was cheaper too.

No doubt it'll probably rain now

iank - 15/5/08 at 10:48 AM

Good news. Hissing down in Cambridge right now.

DarrenW - 16/5/08 at 11:06 AM

My mate used to be a tester. He did say recently that he is surprised any BECs get through without a reverse as the vehicle being tested has to be capable of being driven through each part of the test which includes back off the ramps at end of test.

Im surprised there arent more stories like this every year.