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Spotted Locost in Edinburgh (Sighthill Industrial Estate)
Rallye_Mark - 11/6/08 at 02:36 PM

Coming along the bottom of the industrial estate we saw a locost type car that had orange coloured nose cone and scuttle. I was in my mates Tiger Super 6 so we waved and got a nice big wave back

Anyways, Hello

kevmcdo - 11/6/08 at 02:38 PM

Guilty as charged

Just clocked off and on way home when we passed.

Says locost on the badge but buggered if the bank would agree

Rallye_Mark - 11/6/08 at 03:35 PM

Yeah car looked great on the road, always great to see another one driving around, only seen a few others in Edinburgh but never when I've been out in the Tiger.

We should go for a ride out someday if you get a half day again lol.

LoMoss - 11/6/08 at 08:26 PM

Kev, got your plates then!!

If its a nice evening tomorrow I may go out for a run. If anyone is interested we could meet at the Cramond Brig pub. Text to 07831 679030 if interested.



phoenix70 - 11/6/08 at 09:07 PM

Might be interested, if the weather is fine

What time are you thinking about.

Could meet up on the way down, I'm in Cupar


[Edited on 11/6/08 by phoenix70]

Shamrock GS - 11/6/08 at 09:28 PM

Nice to hear of cars locally (ish) if you ever fancy a blat to the Borders give me a call. Can offer Tea and buns in Peebles if you need a destination



LoMoss - 11/6/08 at 09:48 PM

Hi Gary

Wish I had known. Went for a blast from W Linton to Peebles with a mate who has a 2ltr zetec caterham. Ate the Caterhams dust but gave the locost its first drive in anger. It was a fantastic road from A701 to Peebles. Two 7s outside the chippy was more impressive than the parading BMWs and Saxos
