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Dangle_kt - 31/7/08 at 04:59 PM

Just a quick one to state once and for all to any confused people that BEC's are the best choice by far in a 7.

No if's, but's or maybe's.

If you disagree then I beleive I have found a very suitable site for all you CEC boys to reflect on your decision to fit a heavy underpowered engine to your pride and joy.

Turn the sound up as it really helps the contemplation of your choice:


[Edited on 31/7/08 by Dangle_kt]

bigrich - 31/7/08 at 05:01 PM

dogwood - 31/7/08 at 05:01 PM

Haa haa haa

OK you got me

purdy - 31/7/08 at 05:06 PM

ye got me ha ha ha

whitestu - 31/7/08 at 05:08 PM

Very grown up!

You'll be telling us we don't need reverse next!!

piddy - 31/7/08 at 05:15 PM

Yes thats the last time I help one of those BEC to move his car in a rearward direction.

r1_pete - 31/7/08 at 05:51 PM

Flamez - 31/7/08 at 05:54 PM

No doubt Mr Whippy will be along soon

David Jenkins - 31/7/08 at 06:03 PM

Methinks these BEC lads protest too much...

...sensitive, aren't they!

BenB - 31/7/08 at 06:18 PM

Lets for a minute discuss the "BECs.... it's a girl thing" thang.

It is true that BECs are all things female- beautiful, graceful, exciting and expensive And they blow once a year

Meanwhile CECs are all things male- heavy, bloated, drink too much and are difficult to get moving.

Nuf said.

Freud would of course say that a car is just a thrusting penis. I think cars are sexual but not in a phallic way. Think of a curvaceous car with big rear wheel arches and a curving bonnet. Sure doesn't remind me of a phallus (COREdevelopments avatar gives some hints).... So cars are sexual but they can be so in a female or a masculine way. The question is- which one do you want to get into and give the beans

So from this amazing work of logic and following on from the works of Mr Whippy and S.Freud we can quite conclusively conclude that

BECs are for heterosexuals


CECs are for friends of Nancy

OOOh sh!t where's my flameproof suit?

omega0684 - 31/7/08 at 06:23 PM





[Edited on 31/7/08 by omega0684]

David Jenkins - 31/7/08 at 06:26 PM

I regard BECs in the same way as homosexuality - people can do it if they want, as long as they don't ask me to get involved...

martyn_16v - 31/7/08 at 06:47 PM

It's amazing the lengths you BEC people go to to try and convince yourselves that your steroidal hairdriers are any good. There's some waffle floating about that would make an intelligent design 'scientist' proud

chrisg - 31/7/08 at 07:23 PM

It's your car - put what you like in it

I'd say it depends what you want the car for, for normal road use a CEC is better IMHO.

Too much noise and 12 gearchanges per roundabout starts to p*ss you off after a while when you're in touring mode.

I've been to Le Mans in one and the novelty soon wears off, I'll tell you.

If you go out for a half hour blast or do lots of track work then a BEC is for you.

So it's obvious you need ONE OF EACH!!



I've just thought, does this make me "Bi seven ual"?

[Edited on 31/7/08 by chrisg]

chris_smith - 31/7/08 at 07:37 PM

at the end of the day you BEC owners/builders have to keep doing this sort of thing to try and convince yourselves that a bike engine is the right way to go, at the back of all your minds you can hear that voice saying "this is wrong, this is wrong, bike engine in a CAR"
first signs of insanity me thinks

Dangle_kt - 31/7/08 at 08:04 PM


What a responce!

I actually started the thread cos I got tired of the CEC boys bashing BECs.

BEC owners generally sell the benefits of BEC's rather than critisise CEC's.

CEC owners seem to critisise BEC's rather than sell the benefits of CEC's.

I tried to make this point the other week, yet the BEC critisism continued - I was just making my point in a way CEC boys might be able to grasp.

hopefully it worked

Fact is engine choice is a personal thing so how about we sell the benefits of our choices rather than knock others.

jacko - 31/7/08 at 08:09 PM

That link flashes like the lights on a recovery truck recovering a BEC car when the gear box goes BANG

zetec7 - 31/7/08 at 08:17 PM

'Course, there IS another way, and maybe have the best of both worlds...use a lightweight twin cam 16-valve 2 litre car engine, lighten its flywheel etc. so it's lightweight & revs like a BEC, etc. etc., and voila! A 2-litre, 180 hp bike engined-car that'll last a LOOONNGG time...with reverse!

IMHO there is no WRONG way to build a Locost - each of us builds what appeals to US, and fills our own needs...

contaminated - 31/7/08 at 09:15 PM

IMHO there is no WRONG way to build a Locost - each of us builds what appeals to US, and fills our own needs...

I agree - as long as it's not a BEC. Horrible, buzzy little things

coozer - 31/7/08 at 09:37 PM

Right then, I have had a BEC and now my choice is a CEC.

Why, Becs are noisy cluncky things that lunch gearboxes and engines. My BEC Striker was a flying machine that put a smile on my face BUT before that it had a Montego Turbo engine that was knicker wetting, faces more like this than this

So, now I'm back in CEC territory for a dual purpose car. After watching a CSR260 going round Croft over 200bhp is what is required that will give me the performance you get from a Bec with the nice Cec drive (with reverse) for A WHOLE LOT LESS THAN A BEC!

Get it??


simoto - 31/7/08 at 09:59 PM

Re, my signature. Somebody said something about luddites the other day i seem to remember

MikeCapon - 1/8/08 at 08:15 AM

So if these car engine things are so good why are people not putting them into bikes then?

OH They are! Look at these fine examples. Imagine the performance and handling of these beasts.

First off a Pinto engine Sheer class.

Image deleted by owner:

And now for the jag engine fans. To improve driveability this one is fitted with twin turbos


Benzine - 1/8/08 at 12:04 PM

I just took some photos of the average BEC and CEC engine bay:



James - 1/8/08 at 04:10 PM

Nice one Benzine..... nearly just fell off my chair laughing at that!

Have a good weekend!


woodster - 1/8/08 at 07:04 PM

what happened to Whippy ........ i've nearly run out of popcorn

t.j. - 2/8/08 at 07:38 AM


As usual my vote goes for CEC.

I like the sound of the BEC but,
As the needed flywheel-mass is too low,
next year the db(A) is brought down to 99 dB(A) in UK, so what will it be in Europe....
Here we need to meet the exhaust-regulations for Car engines and no exempts for the BEC.

So I stick with the easy-driven CEC.
If I was hanging around the circuit, my choice could be....

lococost - 2/8/08 at 07:50 AM

I'm not biassed in any way, I just googled for 'bec technology' and 'cec technology'. This is what google came up with.

BEC technology

CEC technology

Edit: first pic was so fast it ran away

[Edited on 2/8/08 by lococost]

Benzine - 2/8/08 at 08:38 AM

t.j. - 2/8/08 at 08:51 PM

Hey lolocost

The upper picture is right: including sidewheels is the best for bikes...

<take's coat and searching for cover >

tjoh84 - 2/8/08 at 10:32 PM

love it

lococost - 3/8/08 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by t.j.
The upper picture is right: including sidewheels is the best for bikes...

sidewheels? You mean the reverse, right?