is it possible to run a blacktop zetec on carbs . and get it through the sva regards emisions. or do you have to keep it on injection
Because of the newer age of a blacktop you will need a CAT on it, that may help but I went for a pre 95 engine for SVA, which sets the emissions and is very handy at MOT time. Through SVA and Im now getting ready to put a phase 3 blacktop in.... may not be everyones cup of tea but for me changing engines a quite pleasurable thing to do on dark nights
Forgot to mention, Bogg Brothers may be worth a call...
I asked bog bro's is a few years back.
The long and the short is not really.
You will need a cat for sva and mot. The extra fuel suplied by carbs will kill the cat. You will also need an air bleed system.
In short they would not guarantee it to work.
thanks for the info .looks like i will have to stick with injection . cheers..
stick with injection and go motorbike throttle bodies,
....yea black top and throttle boddies for me(look below)