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And the moral of this story is......
Jon Ison - 6/9/08 at 04:52 PM

If your rabbit escapes for more than five minutes, get it to vets for the morning after pill.............. Rescued attachment rabbits.jpg
Rescued attachment rabbits.jpg

blakep82 - 6/9/08 at 04:56 PM


but, er, where did she go? did she go with some wild rabbit(s)?!
i'm not calling her a slut or anything

Peteff - 6/9/08 at 05:05 PM

Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit Mum can I have a rabbit No shut up!

Jon Ison - 6/9/08 at 05:07 PM

Pete you can have pick of litter, FOC

mookaloid - 6/9/08 at 05:07 PM

iank - 6/9/08 at 05:20 PM

What you need there is some black pudding and pastry...


theconrodkid - 6/9/08 at 05:24 PM

how much for postage

Dangle_kt - 6/9/08 at 06:13 PM

Watch out for people coming for them just for feeding them to their snakes and stuff.

Its meant to happen quite a bit with Free to a good home type things.

We have 2 of the little suckers who rule the roost..well between them and the 1 year old little boy.

Simon - 6/9/08 at 07:34 PM

We had one when I was young. Viscious little sh1t, wouldn't think twice about sinking it's teeth into your fingers.

It escaped, got mixy and died. Best thing that could have happened to it

I'm sure yours are real sweet though



splitrivet - 6/9/08 at 08:06 PM

Crikey they breed just like errr Rabbits.

skodaman - 6/9/08 at 09:54 PM

''What you need there is some black pudding and pastry...''

Nice in a curry as well.

skodaman - 6/9/08 at 09:54 PM

''What you need there is some black pudding and pastry...''

Nice in a curry as well.

skodaman - 6/9/08 at 09:55 PM

''What you need there is some black pudding and pastry...''

Nice in a curry as well.

les g - 6/9/08 at 11:47 PM

my jack russels love fluffy toys
lol les g