Hi guys,
Got my beemer back from its cosmetic surgery trip so I thought id share the results with you.
Just stuck the bumpers on ( not fixed yet) for effect.
Think Ill need a pilots license for that rear wing
Cars had a lot of work done over the last few weeks so now just needs painting and the interior finishing off
cant wait to try it out in anger
[Edited on 24/10/08 by andyw7de]
Excellent, the car will look brilliant, but IMHO that wing spoils it, looks like it belongs on a chavved up corsa - sorry, just doesn't do it for me.
Bit too extreme for me though
looks good, what colour is it going to be?
is the rear arch and skirts going to be glassfibered on to the body?
Reminds me if this bluebird...
[Edited on 24/10/08 by Mr Whippy]
Like the arches but not the rear wing and front lip.
Just my opinion though.
Good lord...
Rear arches and side skirts are going to be blended into the body and then all will be painted white somthing like the attched pic
Im not that impressed with the wing myself TBH but its there to do a job and keep the back end planted as is the front splitter for the front end
Function over looks is what Id call it
Each to their own and all that .......... but what I don't understand why the BMW pickup a couple of days ago (which I didn't think was
actually all that bad) was decreed to be a crime against humanity by all and sundry and yet this apparently is cool(ish).......
Note that I'm NOT commenting on this car - no, I don't like it personally but that isn't even slightly important because it's not
my car
Andy - stop playing with the toys and get back in your workshop
You have an e-mail!
ignore them, that will look very cool
A similar thing happend to Leslie Ash when she went for cosmetic surgery!
Are you expecting snow your way?....
Actually - I take it all back - if this comment (innocently done???) wouldn't make you wonder whether all the money you've just spent
wasn't possibly a mistake nothing would
'Reminds me of this bluebird'
Mr Whippy 2008
BarryBoys will be after you
Originally posted by CaptainJosh
Good lord...