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speeding - 88 in a 70 zone
Slater - 28/8/09 at 08:31 AM

A friend of mine at work was caught doing 88 in a 70 zone. She wants to know what the punishment will be, it's a first offence if that helps................

[Edited on 28/8/09 by Slater]

wescottishmatt - 28/8/09 at 08:36 AM

I got caught a couple of years ago. 85 in 70 (motorway). Standard £60 fine and 3 points. The speeding code is an SP50 which my affect insurance but it was my second offence.

flak monkey - 28/8/09 at 08:39 AM

88mph in a 70 will be points and fine. Not sure how many, somewhere between 3 and 6 depending on the mood of the police officer or court that day. Anything over 100mph in a 70 is a mandatory ban (unless you are an off duty police officer or MP....)

[Edited on 28/8/09 by flak monkey]

irvined - 28/8/09 at 08:43 AM

It will most likely be SP50 - 3 points, 60quid congestion charge.

MikeR - 28/8/09 at 08:48 AM

Anything less than (eeek, can't remember but its above 88) should be an automatic 3 points and 60 pounds, no need to go to court unless you want to contest it.

They did have a while ago the magistrates guidance for what sentence to pass under what circumstances on line. I think it was via the peepedo web site or something similar.

200mph - 28/8/09 at 08:55 AM

according to it's a fixed penalty up to 95mph.

I take it 88mph was her recorded/actual speed rather than indicated speed (according to the speedo)?

welderman - 28/8/09 at 09:14 AM

i was lucky then, 96 on the motorway, sp50 and 60 quid fine.

GrumpyOne - 28/8/09 at 10:25 AM

I got caught once on a Honda CB900 doing 126.7 mph, before there were fixed penalties.
I had to appear in court and the swine fined me £126.70. Which was about three weeks wages in those days

[Edited on 28/8/09 by GrumpyOne]

blakep82 - 28/8/09 at 10:40 AM

lol quality. he fined you the speed you were doing a judge with a bit of a sense of humour

GrumpyOne - 28/8/09 at 10:50 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
lol quality. he fined you the speed you were doing a judge with a bit of a sense of humour

happy I could amuse you

In those days the average fine for speeding was around £10. Nearly bankrupted me, no points on my licence though

graememk - 28/8/09 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
88mph in a 70 will be points and fine. Not sure how many, somewhere between 3 and 6 depending on the mood of the police officer or court that day. Anything over 100mph in a 70 is a mandatory ban (unless you are an off duty police officer or MP....)

95mph i think is the cut off

[Edited on 28/8/09 by graememk]

maximill666 - 28/8/09 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
Anything less than (eeek, can't remember but its above 88) should be an automatic 3 points and 60 pounds, no need to go to court unless you want to contest it.

They did have a while ago the magistrates guidance for what sentence to pass under what circumstances on line. I think it was via the peepedo web site or something similar.

I dont like the sound of the websites you've been visiting Mike lol

Asume you meant 'pepipoo'

r1_pete - 28/8/09 at 11:57 AM

Check the offence code, I got done for 75 on a 60 road, rozzers gave me an SP60, about 18 months later I read it should have been SP30, queried it, they couldn't find the docs, or had logged it wrong.
Points removed, £60 refunded ..

Blackcab - 28/8/09 at 03:28 PM

there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to speeding - a lot of speed cameras will issue a standard deemed acceptable by the courts punishment - if however you are caught by a car and the conditions were less than favourable then the punishment can be increased - taking the old its a limit not a target argument and you should drive at what you feel is appropriate considering road conditions - however having said that ... I would be surprised if she got more than 3 points and standard fixed penalty

Lightning - 28/8/09 at 03:46 PM

Disgusting, I never speed

Peteff - 28/8/09 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Lightning
Disgusting, I never speed

Me neither.
Horse whipping, that's what they want.Speeders, hang them all. No, hanging's too good for them. Sorry got a bit carried away there, might she get away with a speeding awareness course and forgo the points ?

Ninehigh - 28/8/09 at 07:10 PM

She's going to be thrown in prison, given coal and wee to eat and drink for the next 375 years the evil baby killing world destroying puppy kicking woman!

Nah looks like points and a fine otherwise they'd have said something otherwise, I got £60 and an sp30 for doing 49 in a 30 so I imagine she'd get the same