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Kindle 3. Font size selection.
bobinspain - 4/2/12 at 04:29 PM

Having taken excellent advice on this forum re' buying swmbo a Kindle 3, I have bought a disc of crime books, some of which I've downloaded onto the Kindle.
I can't seem to display a page to change the font size.
The eight font sizes 'advertised' on Kindle websites which ought to be available by pressing the 'text' button don't display on this machine.
Any ideas chaps?

Paul (Notts) - 4/2/12 at 05:55 PM

My version of the Kindal has a "AA" Button next to the home button. press this and choose the text size.


a4gom - 4/2/12 at 07:04 PM

mine too.

russbost - 4/2/12 at 09:56 PM

yup,2nd button from the right

bobinspain - 5/2/12 at 09:11 AM

Thanks guys.

Located the Aa button, but when I press it, I get a selection of :

'Fit to width 150% 200% 300% actual size.
Contrast light lighter default darker darkest
Screen resolution A A A A.'

Still no 'font size' adjustment facility.

Could it be because the books loaded aren't Amazon sourced? (shouldn't affect the hardwired selections though?)

We're using it by reading 'sideways' which presents a slightly larger font size, but it's not ideal.

Paul (Notts) - 5/2/12 at 09:29 AM

Screen resolution A A A A A - I think this will change yoour font size......


bobinspain - 5/2/12 at 09:39 AM

Regrettably not Paul. It determines the orientation of how the text is presented. ie, longways on, widthways on and 'rightside' or upside down for each. ie four choices, but nothing to do with size.

a4gom - 5/2/12 at 10:45 AM

My kindle 3 gives the same option as this picture, it matters not where the book has come from, amazon, pdf or even the internet. I'm on my third kindle thay have all been the same
Go on your kindle account at amazon on the p.c., contact us button and start a chat or get them to call you.

Just noticed it's not quite the same, mine also has a line for text to speech.

[Edited on 5/2/12 by a4gom]

[Edited on 5/2/12 by a4gom]

bobinspain - 5/2/12 at 11:27 AM

Andy, the display you posted was what I was presented with when I had one (Amazon) book downloaded when I bought the Kindle via ebay.
I've since scrubbed that one book and loaded a half dozen pdf format books. Maybe it's coincidence, but I don't get the display you (kindly) posted. I now get the one described in my earlier post.

I'm not sure if I can create an Amazon/Kindle account having bought the machine second-hand, allbeit a couple of months old.
In truth, the reason I bought the kindle is because we are getting inundated with books (many bought via Amazon) and at £4-odd for postage for one book, this seemed a economic and logistical solution.

Any further ideas would be most welcome.

One further obsevation which may give you a clue as to what's happening: On the 'home screen', the display you posted is presented, but the Aa font size options are greyed-out and unavailable. (As per the blurb for the machine. The option should only be available when reading a book). When we display a book, then the Aa option isn't available (as my earlier post describes).

[Edited on 5/2/12 by bobinspain]

a4gom - 5/2/12 at 12:21 PM

If you have an amazon account you should be able to link the kindle to it, I didn't buy mine my wife bought it as a present for me. It's over a year ago now so I can't remember how I did it but I managed to link it with my account.
I think you do it via the kindle, from the home screen -> menu -> settings -> register.
I don't know why it's not working, I haven't any pdf's on it now so can't check, just checked on the internet and no font size, only adjustable by %.
If you have a pdf convert it into kindle format first then it should work. Think I used calibre. A google search should help.

bobinspain - 5/2/12 at 01:33 PM

Ok. Just been onto Amazon, with whom I hold an account for book ordering.

I can register the Kindle even though it's second hand.

A pdf file (any 'non Kindle' file) can be made Kindle-friendly by sending to Amazon for them to do it.

The font size adjustment only functions with Kindle-friendly files.

I'll stick with what we've got, as it ain't worth the hassle to do otherwise.

Thanks for the inputs chaps.

a4gom - 5/2/12 at 01:42 PM

I've used Calibre to convert to kindle mobi file type Here

splitrivet - 5/2/12 at 01:47 PM

You can download some software here free to convert to mobi

[Edited on 5/2/12 by splitrivet]

bobinspain - 5/2/12 at 01:51 PM

Thanks Andy. (Check u2u).
The disc had calibre on it.
Getting the content onto Kindle was ok. Amazon say to get the facilities (such as font size ajustment), the file has to go to them for 'tweaking/Kindleisation'.
Like I say, I'll stick with what I've got.

bobinspain - 5/2/12 at 01:53 PM

Originally posted by splitrivet
You can download some software here free to convert to mobi

[Edited on 5/2/12 by splitrivet]

Many thanks Bob. (for the info and the avatar).

Regards, Bob.

splitrivet - 5/2/12 at 03:00 PM

I would think Kindlisation was converting to Mobi, that offer still stands Bob u2u me when your ready.