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Lawnmower man
Mr Whippy - 22/9/13 at 11:03 PM

Just watching it now for the first time that was not a good choice

This is a rubbish film very 80's and lame, I hear gta v calling...

NigeEss - 22/9/13 at 11:49 PM

Watched it years ago when it first hit TV, absolute tosh. Seem to recall I fell asleep about an hour in....

MikeRJ - 23/9/13 at 09:22 AM

Yep, it was a load of crap when released, and I can't imagine it's aged well.

scudderfish - 23/9/13 at 10:21 AM

I seem to remember that is was like The Running Man in that it's based on a Stephen King book, but about the only thing it shares with the printed story is the name.

Simon - 23/9/13 at 04:50 PM

Well, I enjoyed it and have probably seen it more than once



Dualist - 23/9/13 at 06:02 PM

Yeah it's rubbish, I watched Krull last night and it was sh!te too