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You should be working!!
donut - 13/10/05 at 07:57 AM

It would be interesting to see how many people get to work and log on to locostbuilders 1st thing when you should be working

If you do put the time you get to work and the time you log onto locostbuilders.

Messenjah - 13/10/05 at 08:04 AM

shouldnt YOU be working lol

i should be at school but ive got flu and am still in bed

donut - 13/10/05 at 08:09 AM

I don't work!!! Well i run a web design business...sort off and i look after my 2 kids who are both at school. I also look after the house and all the crap associated with it. Gives me plenty of time to build my car

indykid - 13/10/05 at 08:11 AM

i started at 9, and at 10 past, i'm on

that's assuming i am at work just depending who reads this

[Edited on 13/10/05 by indykid]

David Jenkins - 13/10/05 at 08:13 AM

8:00am, 8:02am

Next question...


marktigere1 - 13/10/05 at 08:19 AM

8.30am on at 8.32am


Don't tell the boss

G.Man - 13/10/05 at 08:20 AM

Not me I am on gardening leave for 6 weeks until I start my new job in Cyprus...

Well when I say gardening leave, it will be locost building leave really...

Rek - 13/10/05 at 08:23 AM

It's usually about 9 as its the second site I go to (Sometimes third depending on QPR match reports)

Tiger Super Six - 13/10/05 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Rek
It's usually about 9 as its the second site I go to (Sometimes third depending on QPR match reports)

You like QPR - Simon Royce lived next door to me when we were young and his brother was my Best Man at my wedding in July. Known him for years.


RI8CHP - 13/10/05 at 08:32 AM

1:log onto locostbuilders
3:read latest topics on locostbuilders
4:start to think about doing some work

bigandy - 13/10/05 at 08:38 AM

I'm supposed to get into work at 9.00am, today I rolled in at 9.23am....

I was on here around 9.35ish, just after i checked my emails...


bimbleuk - 13/10/05 at 08:44 AM

I would have be on by about 7:35am but I had to get my helmet on the way to work.

I'm ice karting later today

907 - 13/10/05 at 08:50 AM

Yesterday was my birthday. (big five O)

I booked today as a holiday to recover from the party last night.



p.s. Arn't 'pooter keys noisy.

David Jenkins - 13/10/05 at 08:51 AM

Happy Birthday! (for yesterday)


907 - 13/10/05 at 08:52 AM

Don't shout David.

David Jenkins - 13/10/05 at 08:57 AM

OK - I'll whisper - Happy Birthday!

907 - 13/10/05 at 09:00 AM


Howlor - 13/10/05 at 09:00 AM

Just hope the Boss never builds a Kit!

bob - 13/10/05 at 09:29 AM

Cant get online at work

Belated happy returns for 907,have you got any spare cans knocking about

cryoman1965 - 13/10/05 at 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Howlor
Just hope the Boss never builds a Kit!
Its good being your own Boss

Howlor - 13/10/05 at 10:16 AM

What if the wife catches you not earling though!

DorsetStrider - 13/10/05 at 10:24 AM

9:05 Arrive at work
9:08 Log on
9:14 Log on to locost site
9:15 - 12:30 Read posts etc.
12:30 go to lunch
2:00 arrive back from lunch half pished.
2:02 reread locost threads.
4pm start thinking about doing some work
4:35 say fcuk it and go home.

barrie sharp - 13/10/05 at 10:56 AM

I think it was called 'nedding' if i remember, anyone staying on all day while at work.
I am sure ned will come along and back me up!

Taz Surfleet - 13/10/05 at 10:59 AM

whats work ??

Danozeman - 13/10/05 at 11:26 AM

Start at 6 have tea till 630 logon and read threads. Maybe again mid morning if i have nowt to do. then again when i get home at half 2 ish.


Start at 10 log on and have a look on here unless ive looked before i come to work. then again about 4.

Kissy - 13/10/05 at 12:18 PM

In work 06:45, log on after having filled the kettle, 10 mins on Locostbuilders, 10 mins on e-mail, work until lunchtime, another 10 mins on Locostbuilders, then once again sometime before I go home, about 18:00. Breaks the day up nicely.

tadltd - 13/10/05 at 12:22 PM

This is work!

(posted on here at 3.20am this morning...)

donut - 13/10/05 at 12:29 PM

Blimey, sounds like only a few of you actually do any work.....good innit!

nick205 - 13/10/05 at 04:39 PM

on and off through out the day unless I'm on the road and then I have to stop a find a WiFi hotspot

donut - 13/10/05 at 04:52 PM

Blimey you must have an addiction........ like me!

JoelP - 13/10/05 at 06:04 PM

to be fair, its very lucky that i dont have access to a computer at work, as i would end up bankrupt

wilkingj - 13/10/05 at 06:56 PM

Hmmph... DONT RUB IT IN Chaps..

I used to log into Locobuilders every day.. The Company Thought Police have banned it as its a postable forum. "A possible Source of Virus infection"


big_wasa - 13/10/05 at 07:23 PM

Work at 8 ish ,log on and have a quick skim of the posts..Quick skim of any that take my fancy..Same again with emails ..Will have another look at lunch ,If I get one

robinbastd - 13/10/05 at 09:29 PM

Work 10am.
Check Locostbuilders 10pm
In between I work.

ned - 18/10/05 at 11:39 AM


Yes i think the term was nedding

But impending change of job means this is not going to be the case for me soon!


donut - 18/10/05 at 11:47 AM

Another Job Ned..ooooh tell us more.....

ned - 18/10/05 at 12:00 PM

top secret donut but it will be much closer to you!

donut - 18/10/05 at 12:33 PM

oooh ek!