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This debate will warm up nicely
Jon Ison - 2/12/05 at 03:34 PM

Got to be worth watching this one develop..........

scotty g - 2/12/05 at 03:53 PM

Wow, i reckon they need to retract their claws and have a group hug or something.
Or better still, someone should tell him to go build a locost, at least it will give the westies and caterers the chance to unite against a common enemy!!

serendipity123 - 2/12/05 at 04:01 PM

how sad

Jon Ison - 2/12/05 at 04:03 PM

I thought about a locost post, then i thought better of it,

but ive seen better examples of locosts than factory built, no names mentioned.

flak monkey - 2/12/05 at 04:05 PM

Its sad indeed....but I cant help but join in


Jon Ison - 2/12/05 at 04:07 PM

you iccle bugger David........


flak monkey - 2/12/05 at 04:09 PM

Hehe. I couldnt help myself

James - 2/12/05 at 04:44 PM

Saving only 10K? More like £20K+ on a Caterham!


serendipity123 - 2/12/05 at 04:55 PM

i had to join in lol

"so whos up for building an MK indy or a robin hood then ?

next you'll be telling me that a caterham isnt a kit car lol "

donut - 2/12/05 at 06:10 PM

I hope you're not comparing MK's with Robin Hoods!!!!!!! Chalk and cheese!!

Oh God here we go again......

omega 24 v6 - 2/12/05 at 06:20 PM

What a SOSS

[Edited on 2/12/05 by omega 24 v6]

scotty g - 2/12/05 at 06:30 PM

I think the Dino guy is ready to bite! Who's gonna reel him in?
I think we have just invented a new pass time, "winding up the hicosters"!

Syd Bridge - 2/12/05 at 06:33 PM

Do you lot think I should join in? Caterham owners are not my favourite people.
For the cost of the cars they're talking about, you could have three better looking and faster, well sorted Locosts.

How do I join?


flak monkey - 2/12/05 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Syd Bridge
Do you lot think I should join in? Caterham owners are not my favourite people.
For the cost of the cars they're talking about, you could have three better looking and faster, well sorted Locosts.

How do I join?


Oh go could be fun

Danozeman - 2/12/05 at 06:49 PM


and most important of all the Caterham doesn't smell like a canoe!


I might join for a laugh

scotty g - 2/12/05 at 06:53 PM

I just joined, too much fun to pass up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benzine - 2/12/05 at 08:17 PM

"with the budget of my Locost i could build 3 Caterhams"

Isn't it the other way round

dl_peabody - 3/12/05 at 04:48 AM

Car Cost?

As long as you can afford it...
(read that as not driving your retirement money or kids college bucks to try to prove to somone, young birds, you are not an over the hill pot bellied old fool. They may see the car but beore you can say hello they will spot the comb over and middle age pretentions)

Care to post that?

PS While the seven may look like a penis spending too much on one is no substitute for haveing one. (or acting like one)

[Edited on 3/12/05 by dl_peabody]