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Tesla Roadster
CommanderAce - 20/7/06 at 06:04 PM

Just noticed this on Engadget, the Tesla Roadster, looks rather nifty!

What to do lot think?

BKLOCO - 20/7/06 at 06:27 PM

I think the back looks very Lotus like.
Not sure I'm too keen on the front styling.
Bit mainstreem Jap.

If they are claiming 250 miles on a charge then these vehicles are going to start becoming viable.

Overall I like it. But Not at that price

CommanderAce - 20/7/06 at 06:31 PM

Yes, the price is a little high! , but with all things, over time the technology will become more affordable and available.

Some of that tech in a Locost would be rather entertaining!

Confused but excited. - 20/7/06 at 07:36 PM

" a supercharged electric vehicle "

That's clever.
Does it have an electron pump or does superchargeing an electric vehicle mean plugging it into 415 volts?

sgraber - 20/7/06 at 07:39 PM

I really, truly like that car. One can't argue with the acceleration/torque figures and it has a very nice look to it. It's not outrageous so as to attract too much attention, yet distinctive enough to be unique.

But I have to wonder how much the battery pack costs and what the maintenance/replacement schedule is for it.

Guinness - 20/7/06 at 07:52 PM

I like it too! I'd buy one if it had solar panels on it, but if you charge it from the mains all you are doing is displacing the polution really.

Steve from their website:-

"The Energy Storage System (ESS) comprised of several thousand consumer grade lithium ion cells"

So the batteries probably cost 60% of the total cost? And if they are like the one on my mobile, they don't last long before they get a memory effect!!!

Anyone fancy drawing up plans for a locost version? Cut aways and specs here:-!!!!



sgraber - 20/7/06 at 07:59 PM

Batteries, that is the hidden "dirty little secret" isn't it. They don't recycle too well (AFAIK).

Maybe someone with knowledge of this battery type can enlighten us on the environmental impact of disposing ~4,000 batteries when they need replacement.

sgraber - 20/7/06 at 08:05 PM

Here's a Lithium_Ion primer from wikipedia:

Also, they are supposedly safe for disposal, but contain recyclable materials

All Panasonic Lithium Ion batteries are classified by the federal government as non-hazardous waste and are safe for disposal in the normal municipal waste stream. These batteries, however, do contain recyclable materials and are accepted for recycling by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation's (RBRC) Battery Recycling Program. "

iank - 20/7/06 at 09:13 PM

And this is what happens when a Lithium battery in a notebook shorts

sgraber - 20/7/06 at 09:19 PM

Since the batteries in the tesla are under and behind the passenger compartment, That would indeed create a tesla 'car-B-que' !!!


adampage - 20/7/06 at 10:38 PM

That's why it looks like a lotus - it is!

They're elise wheels, elise indicators, elise dashboard/stg wheel/dials, elise proportions, etc. It just looks like different fibreglass mouldings on the nose & rear.

Wonder what involvement Lotus had?


dl_peabody - 20/7/06 at 11:10 PM

Probably none...
Silcone valley start up did something very similar with a Ariel atom recently.

Someone else built an electric locost on the same principals.

Hammerhead - 21/7/06 at 07:02 AM

Look slike elise chassis to. Lotus should sue if they don't have involvement in it. Tesla seem to be passing the car off as all their own work..........looks cool though.

DaveFJ - 21/7/06 at 07:43 AM

Err it was built by lotus...

the company has contrated lotus for most of the construction and has now had to sign a non-poaching agreement because they 'stole' some of lotus's engineers.......

more info Here

personally I think it looks a little out of proportion somehow.. and i remain to be conviced on performance etc

this little chart from their site is amusing

[Edited on 21/7/06 by DaveFJ]