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Fast And The Furious
DorsetStrider - 6/9/06 at 09:36 PM

Well the footballs over and I find myself watching the fast and the furious on sky (it's either that or eastenders and well pauline fowler just don't do it for me)

Anyway to the point of this post... I'm watching the fast and the furious and a thought occurs to me...

... Does anyone in america lock their cars? I don't think I have ever seen anyone in an american film lock their car when they get out. Do you have automatic locks on that side of the pond?

DIY Si - 6/9/06 at 09:42 PM

Dude, you need to get out more if that's all you can thnk of when watching even rubbish car films!

OX - 6/9/06 at 09:57 PM

never thought about it untill now but dont lose sleep over it they might all have those fancy locking systems that auto lock the door when the the keyfob gadget is out of range

dl_peabody - 6/9/06 at 10:19 PM

West Coast Yank Here....

The reason that nobody locks there doors in Film or TV is because they are ACTORS. (it is not in the script, its not their cars, and it would slow down the plot of the Film/Show)

In the real world if you wanna keep it you lock it. (with the exception of of my last car 1992 Saturn half filled with trash and unwashed I always lock my car, no fancy radio nothing specail about that car except that it worked)

The nice thing about a "beater" is that you could have the hope dimond under the seat and nobody would care....

I currently have on of those keychain fobs for locking the doors and I hate it. I would rather have master lock/unlock at the drivers door via the key. (harder for the Wife to put it through the wash)

[Edited on 6/9/06 by dl_peabody]

chrisf - 6/9/06 at 10:57 PM

FWIW, I rarely lock my car. The only time I lock it is when I'm downtown. Most of the suburbs are fine.

The impression over here is that you guys have quite the theft problem over there. Or maybe it's the Guy Richie films...

--No harm intended, Chris

zetec7 - 7/9/06 at 02:35 AM

'course, up here in the Great White North, (Canada, for those unfamiliar with the euphimism) nobody locks their cars 'cause they're either rusted out and nobody'd want them, or because we all carry guns (just joking...we're not allowed to have guns here!)

Hellfire - 7/9/06 at 06:58 AM

If you watched F&F last night - Vin deisel locks his car a few times using a plip keyfob. A FWIW I love F&F... simple story (?) nice ladies and plenty of petrolheads... satisfies me for 90 minutes.

Sometimes I need a simple fix... all the attempts the yanks have at making a complex film seem futile.. unless you include HGTTG cracking film.

joneh - 7/9/06 at 07:38 AM

Originally posted by chrisf
FWIW, I rarely lock my car. The only time I lock it is when I'm downtown. Most of the suburbs are fine.

The impression over here is that you guys have quite the theft problem over there. Or maybe it's the Guy Richie films...

--No harm intended, Chris

I'm near Portsmouth in England, if you have nice Alloy wheels and you drop below 5MPH, someone will have them! This is car theft central where locking your car just aint enough! You need to tie it down too.

Donners90 - 7/9/06 at 09:52 AM

I used to leave my Metro unlocked in the hope that someone WOULD steal it. Sadly no one did

spunky - 7/9/06 at 09:59 AM

I've had this discussion recently.

I live in Newark, Notts. not the most salubrious place. But I rarely lock my car. My argument being that, it's a bit of a shed, the immobiliser would stop anyone stealing it, but if they're gonna try I'd rather not have to replace the locks, window after they have broken in.

Have had a car stolen twice, (Meastro- real classy thieves round here ) But I'd lost the ign. key and wired in a toggle switch and button to start it. Both times got the damn thing back


whitestu - 7/9/06 at 10:05 AM

I left mine with the door open for a couple of weeks whilst on holiday - I thought it had been broken into when I got back but after a closer look I had to conclude that I had just forgotten to close the door.

iank - 7/9/06 at 10:05 AM

Plod brought my metro back before I even knew it had gone. Wasn't locked but they muppets still broke in as they don't bother looking. They used them as free taxi's, metro's were the choice since they don't require any real force to break in.

This was in Salford many moons ago.

DIY Si - 7/9/06 at 10:41 AM

I often just plain forget to lovk mine. I'm also forever leaving the keys in the indy too, since it has no steering lock I forget if they're there or not and wander off. Left in tesco's car park for an hour and it was fine. I've also left rubbish cars open in the hope someone will nick it!

Ketchup - 7/9/06 at 11:32 AM

I used to own a datsun cherry, 1.3, what a machine, bottom half of car was in matt black, so i could blow it in every couple of weeks when it rusted more, top half in gold! every day for over a year i left it unlocked with the key in the ignition and it didnt get stolen, to my disgust, and i live in essex!

i guess even hoody wearing chavs have their limits on what they choose to nick!

Marcus - 7/9/06 at 01:10 PM

Last year, I thought the Locost had been nicked from a car park in St Tropez. Turns out, I was looking in the wrong place! BUT the keys were still in the ignition and the battery master switch was still in place
Never left the keys in since!

thomas4age - 7/9/06 at 01:17 PM

well there's a part in the movie where everyone unlocks their car.
it is at the streetrace where he looses the eclipse to vin diesel, when the cops come driving through the corner, you see everybody running tio their cars and all of a sudden you hear 100dreds of bleebbleebs from cars unlocking, very funny thing in the sound department

grtz Thomas

ned - 7/9/06 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si
Dude, you need to get out more if that's all you can thnk of when watching even rubbish car films!

ok well how about the chase at the end when he jumps out the car to shoot the guy off the motorbike - when he jumps out the car the door is left open, he comes back to the car and some kind person has closed it as he has to open it again!!

now i think i need to get out even more

[Edited on 7/9/06 by ned]