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legal advise
andybod - 7/9/06 at 05:45 AM

help please what can i do i,m in the process of moving house and have recevied a letter from the solicitor regarding what can and cannot be done on the prperty one section is worrying me regarding building my kit car the section reads as follows

not to break dismantle or repair any engine motor vehicle caravan horse box boat or trailer of a like nature upon any part of the property provided that this stipulation shall not prevent the carrying out of minor repairs to private motor car or light van used only for private purposes for a period not exceeding twenty four hours

the state of play with the kit car is all running gear brakes etc is installed i need to finish wiring fit wheel arches and finish interior how willl i stand legally if i move into this house and put my car in the garage or in the future if i decide to build something else

Kissy - 7/9/06 at 05:55 AM

If it's all done in the garage, and you only drag it out during the day to work on it, and put it back there should be no problem. I think they are trying to stop 'unsightly' thinks like caravans and scrappers on drives - "lowers the tone of the the neighbourhood, don't you know?"

Sounds like you are moving into NIMBY-land

Humbug - 7/9/06 at 06:20 AM

If you are building a car you are not "breaking" it, "dismantling" it or "repairing" it

Seriously, though, I would agree with Kissy - as long as you don't make huge amounts of noise or otherwise wee off the neighbours you should be OK. In your case, with the car at the stage it is, that shouldn't be a problem.

EDIT - interesting, I didn't originally write "...wee off the neighbours..."

EDIT 2 - interesting again that when I edit the post, I see the word I did write

[Edited on 7/9/06 by Humbug]

Hellfire - 7/9/06 at 07:03 AM

If you take it to the letter you're doing none of them... you are "building". But as some have stated, best to keep it out of the way to avoid any future litigation and alteration to the deeds to prevent this from happening in the future... seems very harsh but understandable considering some of the run down areas in our country.

Good luck and "KEEP IT QUIET!"

smart51 - 7/9/06 at 07:22 AM

It's to stop people having virtually scrap cars on the drive for months on end. If you work in the garrage then no-one will know. The 24 hour clause is a clue that they don't want to stop people from car maintenance, just stop people going too far.

dl_peabody - 7/9/06 at 07:42 AM

In America (yes a Yank) we have this also "Home owners associations"...The most bored, frustrated, and loneliest neighbor can complain and create problems for you.

Even preceived slights can grow and grow....While you can be very concerned about the community as a whole one apple can make your life difficult. Remeber this when you fire your car up the first time ir decide to work late into the night.

I urge caution...

Good luck!!!

[Edited on 7/9/06 by dl_peabody]

3GEComponents - 7/9/06 at 12:07 PM

I'm prevented from using an electric potato boiler at our place!!

Peteff - 7/9/06 at 12:25 PM

I took the hub off the van to the garage to get the bearing pressed out and a new one pressed in and it was stood for 3 days on stands. When one of the neighbours asked about it I told him the tax is less on 3 wheelers. He didn't bother again.

JamJah - 7/9/06 at 12:43 PM

Try living in the new forest! covenents left right and centre! then the ponies get right of way too!
At least my council lock up says "it can only be used for the storage of a motor vechile" doesnt say how many bits hehe

DarrenW - 7/9/06 at 03:46 PM

If the covenant is related to the new house you are buying id get the sellers solicitors to get it lifted. Id guess the people selling dont want to lose the sale so get them to sort it out and just be cool by saying you will pull out.

To be honest unless it is a brand new house and everyone else in the street has the same covenant no-one will really know about it especially if you build inside a closed garage and no-one sees what you are doing. If you are a considerate type of person then as long as you dont upset anyone i guess they wont care much.

andybod - 7/9/06 at 05:16 PM

update i spoke to my solicitor today and as long as it.s built in the garage i can do whatever i want just going to have to keep lawns mowed trees growing and aerial;s off the front of the house doesn't say anything about tractors or farming equipment so i'll just borrow some of these if anybody moans