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Merry F****g christmas
DaveFJ - 14/12/06 at 02:14 PM

In the spirit of the season I arrived at work this morning to find 2 guys cleaning their desks out. The rest of us were taken to one side and told that our jobs were safe BUT we had all been moved to London starting in January

So Here's to a new year with a 3 hour daily commute

Merry Christmas.......

jos - 14/12/06 at 02:16 PM

P'd off is not the words i guess

MikeRJ - 14/12/06 at 02:28 PM

How far away is the new location compared to the old one? Do you have a mobility clause in your contract?

This kind of crap always happens at Chirstmas. I am working for a company that used to have well over 5000 people at the premisies I work at, and in the last 6 years or so I have seen numerous rounds of redundancies that always seem to be around Christmas time. After this Christmas we will be down to ~120 people left!

DaveFJ - 14/12/06 at 02:34 PM

Current trip to work... 2 miles

New trip .... 2 miles plus parking plus 1hr15mins on a train plus 10 minute walk

nick205 - 14/12/06 at 02:52 PM


what do you do for a living Dave?

DaveFJ - 14/12/06 at 02:56 PM

The same it seems as half this forum... IT Support....

mackei23b - 14/12/06 at 03:07 PM

If your place of work is in your contract, then this is a change of terms and conditions - this needs to be agreed by both parties.

It's hard to give accurate advice without all the details, but If you are not happy, give ACAS a call and they'll let you know what your options are.

If you do not want to move, you may be entitiled to redundancy as an option.

On the positve, at least you have a job and gives you time to think over your options, all the best.



DaveFJ - 14/12/06 at 03:21 PM

The company has been taken over so from what i can tell ,pretty much, all bets are off...

They have offered a very generous redundancy package. It's just the timing is crap, I really don't fancy commuting but will never find another job locally that pays as well.....

I have been offered a 3 month trial at the end of which I can still get redundancy (16 weeks pay).

So as I say - they have been generous about it all, It's just the timing that sucks - at least I didn't get the boot today like some (now 4) of my colleagues!

smart51 - 14/12/06 at 03:44 PM

I think that legally, if the move is more than 30 miles (IIRC) then you have to have a consultation period. 3 months is common for these things.

Does your contract specify a place of work. If it does then it is a change in contract and requires 3 months notice, after which, if you turn up for work you are deemed to have accepted the new contract. If you don't turn up then you are unemployed.

I was moved a few months ago. The company have paid us a per mile rate for the extra miles for 6 months. They should give more than 2 weeks notice and not to do so is "breaking the rules" so to speak.

viatron - 14/12/06 at 04:02 PM

take the 16 weeks and worry about it after christmas!!!!

scottc - 14/12/06 at 05:25 PM

Sorry to hear that Dave.

On the positive side, once you get used to the commute you can get a different job in the city and make some more money

Catpuss - 14/12/06 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by viatron
take the 16 weeks and worry about it after christmas!!!!

And the 16 weeks will be tax free so its probably more like 20 odd weeks in spending money.

iank - 14/12/06 at 07:00 PM

Sounds crap, not sure why companies do it, maybe they think Christmas will make you feel better, stupid really. Culling people on a Friday is also bad, should do it on a Monday so people can start looking for new work immediately.

Unfortunately going down the contractual route is probably a bad idea (even if it helps, and in my experience with the IT sector it'll be full of weasel words about 'reasonable' changes in terms). At best you just get put on the immediate redundancy list and get a poor reference.

Personally I'd take the money and run, unless you are going to get a pay rise to cover your new travel costs, else it's equivalent to a £3k a year pay cut or some similarly excessive amount.

stevebubs - 14/12/06 at 07:27 PM

I *think* you may find that you are able to Claim for a relocation allowance.

stevebubs - 14/12/06 at 07:32 PM

Not any real consolation but I've known companies do worse....

Used to work for a reasonably-sized e-commerce software house with about 5-600 employees. I saw the writing on the wall and quit Jan 2001; they announce the loss of 150 jobs in Scotland the day I started my new job and had a few more rounds through the year.

Christmas Eve 2001 saw an SMS text message going out to the remaining 100 or so employees telling them the company had ceased trading and not to bother coming back in the new year.

(Do a search on "Entranet" )

[Edited on 14/12/06 by stevebubs]

Taz Surfleet - 14/12/06 at 08:35 PM

See you on the train Dave, I commute from Norwich most days Its not that bad once you get used to it. If you make yourself known Ill save u a seat ( there is and advantage of getting on 40 mins earlier)

omega0684 - 14/12/06 at 09:48 PM

career change perhaps?

ab54666 - 14/12/06 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by DaveFJ
The company has been taken over so from what i can tell ,pretty much, all bets are off...

They have offered a very generous redundancy package. It's just the timing is crap, I really don't fancy commuting but will never find another job locally that pays as well.....

I have been offered a 3 month trial at the end of which I can still get redundancy (16 weeks pay).

So as I say - they have been generous about it all, It's just the timing that sucks - at least I didn't get the boot today like some (now 4) of my colleagues!

What you are being offered is under TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings)

It effectively protects your terms of employment when a company is taken over.

They are being potentially a little underhand, as it protects your terms of employment, therefore if under contract you have a place of work, they can't simply change that at a moments notice.

In addition if what they are asking is deemed unreasonable (i.e. time and distance of travel) you can actually claim unfair dismissal.

Go to the CAB.

pauldm - 14/12/06 at 11:08 PM

Yeah - work really sucks. Sitting here with 22 stiches in both wrists from last company. Started at new place to rebuild my life & provide for my 18 month old twins was stabbed in the back; fell back into clinical depression. Overdosed with 60 paracetomol over that one. Knocked possibly a decade off my life expectancy. Still; all my bosses have nice cars & houses [60 foot indoor pool] which is what we're working to provide them with in the first place. So at least I've got the satisfaction I've done my jobs well!

Tsk - "Some Nutter" Your're thinking. In fact I'm a European Space Agency qualified quality engineer.

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