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Rather random - 3D scanning
bigandy - 23/4/07 at 12:33 PM

Afternoon folks.

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any places that are able to do 3D scans of things? I am after a point cloud, or 3D surface model that I can import into a CAD package (Solidworks) and manipulate somewhat.

The only important considerations really, is the objects to be scanned are to be heads (specifically, my head!)

Any ideas?


liam.mccaffrey - 23/4/07 at 12:52 PM

my suggestions may not be that helpfull to you, but

you could cast your face/head in a splitable rubber mould. Make a plaster head of yourself. Cut it into say a few hundred thin slices. scan them and vectorise, import to CAD and loft the sections to get a 3d model.

or try this

carlgeldard - 23/4/07 at 01:00 PM

These guys could do it, But it wouldn't be cheap


Mr Whippy - 23/4/07 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by bigandy
Afternoon folks.

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any places that are able to do 3D scans of things? I am after a point cloud, or 3D surface model that I can import into a CAD package (Solidworks) and manipulate somewhat.

The only important considerations really, is the objects to be scanned are to be heads (specifically, my head!)

Any ideas?


is this for a giant status of yourself?

Peteff - 23/4/07 at 03:21 PM

peterriley2 - 23/4/07 at 05:56 PM

i know where you could get it done, but its not near you- exeter uni, devon has a 3d scanner and a 3d printer and i know you can do heads on both machines. you should phone up some unis near you, you want one that does product design of some kind- i dont know if they will all have such advanced CAD machines though... youll have to find out then beg them to use it!

bigandy - 23/4/07 at 06:57 PM

OKay, cheers for the info folks, keep it coming if anyone knows of anywhere!

I am actually looking for a proper 3D model of my head to use as a virtual manekin. I seem to have a rather odd shaped head, and most sunglasses I have tried, either don't fit properly, or look rubbish. So, as I design things for a living, I thought I could do a bit extra at home, and design my own custom glasses. I have access to an SLA machine for prototyping, and I know of several places that do low low volume plastic parts, just not the 3D scanning bit.

Well, I tell I lie, we have a probe for collecting surface data from tools, but that is designed to work in conjunction with out rather large NC machining centre, and you can forget me putting my head in that when it is running!

Exeter might be doable though, I'm off down that way in July

Just thought, maybe this is a classic case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? (not literally!)


Shaw - 23/4/07 at 08:57 PM

try these guys they were at work today doing some training, said they would use a HandyScan3D