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Life the world and every thing
ceebmoj - 27/6/07 at 07:46 AM

Hi all,

I got home last night to find that I had been burgled, 5 to 6 months ago I found out I have cancer.

On a positive note however I don’t feel anything like as pissed off or angrea as I would have expected to.

Don’t know why im talking about this on the web I guess I just needed to generally get stuff of my chest.

To any one I know in the real world sorry I have not talked to you I was just trying to get on with life. It seamed the best way.

Ps I’m very dyslexic so sorry for my pore English and grammar if it possible to avoid the grammar police it would be nice.


TGR-ECOSSE - 27/6/07 at 08:02 AM

Makes me think that my crap year is maybe not as bad as some. I think i use this site as a kind of escape from the real world sometimes. Good luck keep smiling Ronnie

iank - 27/6/07 at 08:27 AM

Sorry to hear you have cancer, I hope you found it early and it's one with a good treatment outcome.

There are at least two people here (including me) that have/have had it, I'm sure others just keep their heads down and don't talk about it (which is fine if that's what it takes). It does tend to be a bit of a thread killer when I mention it though

I don't know if it's any consolation, but I'm now 2.5 years post treatment and still clear, another 2.5 to go before I'm treated as cured. So you can get out of the other side, they are even starting to lose interest in me, which is a good thing.

Getting burgled is sh*t as well, but hardly on the same level.

BenB - 27/6/07 at 09:06 AM

I guess being burgled and cancer are both similar in that they're both incredibly common but you somehow always imagine they happen to other people until it happens to you....

Sorry to hear about it- guess it shows the need to seize the day etc etc and make the most of now....

ibakes - 27/6/07 at 10:08 AM

I have just had my 5 year all clear exactly 1 month before my wedding, Diagnosed at 24 so not far off your age now.

My fingers are crossed for you and echo the point of you found it early and it's one with a good treatment outcome.

Only downside now is that I hate blood tests as they always hurt and I float in the bath with me Silicone implant.

wish you all the best

ceebmoj - 27/6/07 at 04:00 PM

hi all thanks for the replys just in from work and fealing a lot better than I was ealer. caught it relativly early out look is good


James - 27/6/07 at 05:19 PM

Shame about the burglary. Wankers. Did they get much?

Keep positive!

All the best and get well soon.


ceebmoj - 27/6/07 at 09:11 PM

unfortunatly evrey thing tools included