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A bit of justice for a change...
NeilP - 28/4/08 at 05:59 PM


Sets a new precedent for the treatment of hate crimes in the UK which has been sadly lacking.

EDIT: Just to be clear in italics...

[Edited on 28/4/2008 by NeilP]

alexdj125 - 28/4/08 at 06:04 PM

Surely a good enough reason to bring back the death sentence?

theconrodkid - 28/4/08 at 06:06 PM

trouble is these vermin will be out in 5 years,they should be strung up in the town center on a saturday morning

NeilP - 28/4/08 at 06:07 PM

Maybe - But nothing is going to bring that poor girl back or ease her families suffering knowing how she died. At least with minimum terms being hard enforced now unless challenged by the secretary of state, with a bit of luck these two little bastards won't see light of day again until their mid thirties and even then under the rehabilitation of offenders act will have to declare their crime for 5 years afterwards on every official form they sign .... I hope they have a miserable life thereafter...

meany - 28/4/08 at 06:08 PM

close to home this one

zilspeed - 28/4/08 at 06:13 PM

Ever since I first heard of this case, it just makes me sad for society.
Even if these creatures get the beating they are due, they will just see it as a rite of passage in the prison system and won't learn a thing. Ever.
I do not advocate the death penalty ever, but would happily lock them in solitary for the rest of their lives with basic food and water and not another human face for eternity. That's maybe more cruel than even they deserve, but that would be my way. Make sure they are mentally broken, no matter how long it takes. Oh, and life should mean life. In solitary. Food pushed under the door. No daylight. No nothing. Ever.

[Edited on 28/4/08 by zilspeed]

MikeRJ - 28/4/08 at 06:15 PM

Disgusting little scrotes. They all have faces that are crying out to meet the fast end of a shovel.

Oops, was that a hate crime?

Paul (Notts) - 28/4/08 at 06:18 PM

Russell QC described the attack as "feral thuggery" which raised serious questions about the "sort of society which exists in this country".

They dont deserve to have the oppertunity to rebuild their lives when they get out.

Crimes like this make me feel that the death penalty is justified

Mr Whippy - 28/4/08 at 06:34 PM

what a pair of little sh&ts look like their from the munsters themselves.


What ever happened to public stoning??

JoelP - 28/4/08 at 07:01 PM

out in 9 years is not justice, it is a joke. These kids should be kicked to death, their families should also be flogged.

And failing that, as john says, life should be life.

chris_smith - 28/4/08 at 07:17 PM

started a new job in Bacup were this happened just a few weeks back, they should never be aloud out

mookaloid - 28/4/08 at 07:43 PM

I think the Chinese have it right where they shoot the Bast***s and send the bill for the bullets to the family

Dangle_kt - 28/4/08 at 08:25 PM

Those types are everywhere, the problem is - they breed.

Chemical castration is the answer.

spaximus - 28/4/08 at 08:40 PM

It is not justice, it is pandering to those in society that deem us less civilised if we had the death penalty. Now when the abolition of the death penalty was first announced the goverment said life sentances would be just that they would die in jail. If that were the case then in most peoples eyes that would be fair. As it is the justice system has become a joke where you get longer sentances for tax evasion than rape, you get jail for speeding excessivly yet comunity service for slapping an old woman about.
Last week two youths got 5 years for forcing a kid into water and threw stones and sticks at him and let him drown. They only got 5 years as they told the judge they were sorry FFS?
I would favour the death penalty but for those who are against it fair enough but life should mean life.

GeoffT - 28/4/08 at 09:03 PM


Those types are everywhere, the problem is - they breed.

This is the real problem - vermin like these two, and the "families" that created them, have now bred in such numbers in this country that the situation is now probably irretrievable.

Only extreme draconian measures will ever get us out of this situation, and I'm in no doubt that the do-gooders would be up in arms, protecting the 'rights' of these morons. How can such a great country have declined to this in so few years?

[Edited on 28/4/08 by GeoffT]

graememk - 28/4/08 at 09:37 PM

at least with all the polish coming into the uk it will give the inbread familys some new geans to bread with, no punishment would teach them anything....... hard work no pay and basic food and water for life. oh and then use them for medical reserch

meany - 28/4/08 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by chris_smith
started a new job in Bacup were this happened just a few weeks back, they should never be aloud out

ive lived here since i was 7, the wife was born here.

JoelP - 29/4/08 at 06:43 PM

heres a lovely example of british justice.

4 years for torture and murder. Nice.

flak monkey - 29/4/08 at 06:53 PM

Its disgusting really, that people get picked on for looking different. I know from experience what its like, you never really do blank it out completely. A lot of my friends at uni experienced either physical or verbal abuse (sometimes both) from gangs of 'scrotes' usually while in the city centre in cov, and most in broad daylight.

No punishment is ever going to be enough for people who carry out attacks like that, totally un-justified. The death sentence is too good for them, simple as that.