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Getting to/parking at St Pancras - Eurostar
AR-CoolC - 7/10/08 at 03:48 PM

I'm travelling by Eurostar on Monday, as I've not used Eurostar before I'm after some advice.

I'm currently trying to work out what is best for me regards either driving in and parking - is it within the congestion zone? and how extorsionate will parking be verses getting a train down to the big smoke from up here in Lincoln.

Traveling by train in theory is easiest, but Lincoln isn't on a main line so that means driving and parking in Newark, with a train ticket costing £60 or so return, plus parking charges for 48hrs.

Anyone used the parking near St Pancras before? how expensive is it for 48hrs?


Flamez - 7/10/08 at 04:06 PM

Definately in congestion zone and london parking £30 per day?

I'd train in

James - 7/10/08 at 04:43 PM

The Eurostar is wicked, use it all the time as go to France quite often for Savate events.

Soooo much easier than flying!

Can't you blag a lift to the train station?

Or what about bus down to Victoria, then tube across to St. Pancras?


snapper - 7/10/08 at 05:28 PM


Definately in congestion zone and london parking £30 per day?

£30 seems cheap to me but worth Googling to make sure, i used to work near there and would go into London by train every time, it's so much less hassle

AR-CoolC - 8/10/08 at 07:53 AM

I've decided to take the train into Kings Cross from Newark....................Just sods law at work now, as the on-line booking thingy isn't working.

geoff shep - 8/10/08 at 06:39 PM

Couple of things:

The station is not in the congestion zone. The zone starts on the south side of Euston Road - that's the east/west road outside the front of the station. Obviously would depend where you were to park though.

If you are going down early, for an early departure, it will be peak travel time. It is sometimes cheaper to go the night before and stay somewhere cheap (if there is anywhere cheap!). Or, get a return to somewhere closer, like Peterborough, which is not affected by peak travel restrictions, and then a return from Peterborough to London. You can end up travelling at peak times but for off-peak rates.

David Jenkins - 8/10/08 at 06:45 PM

It's worth noting that the area just north of St Pancras is one of the scariest in north London (Camden, King's Cross, etc.).

I used to work near Euston, and would often walk up that way during my lunch-break. It wasn't uncommon to see drug dealers openly trading on the streets. It's the sort of place where you don't want to make sudden movements near to the local residents...

...I certainly wouldn't want to park my car anywhere in that district.

Train, tube and/or bus are the ONLY ways to move around London. Taking a car in there is just pointless and stressful. Been there, done that. It's a great place, but not in a car.

owelly - 8/10/08 at 06:58 PM

I've just dropped my chums off at York station so they can trundle off to Paris for a symposeum(sp?). They looked at the options and couldn't justify taking the car.

geoff shep - 8/10/08 at 07:00 PM

Ditto about the local area. I stayed in the premier next to Kings Cross and it was fine - but I have also been propositioned whilst waiting outside the station. Some of the car parks are well attended but those ones are V expensive.

Just done a check on the peak travel thing - A day return from Northallerton leaving at 0608 is £233. Same journey booked to Peterborough and then London at same time is £141. Advance is the way to go but it's a bit late for that now.