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Using GPS with Scanned Maps
Big Stu - 22/10/08 at 07:22 PM

Hi All.

I would like to use my PDA to display some maps that I have scanned, and then display my postion on the map using GPS. I know that I will need to calibrate to map to known corodinates. You used to be able to do this with memory map but it appears they have removed this function with the new version that I have,



I love speed :-P - 22/10/08 at 07:29 PM

yes you can do it using a program called GPSDash2 I put google earth images on mine when going walking etc

Big Stu - 22/10/08 at 07:33 PM

Do you need to pay for the full version or can you use the demo version, for scanned maps?

geoff shep - 23/10/08 at 08:59 AM

Do you still have the older version of Memory Map - if so you should be able to do the calibrating with that and then be able to use them with the newer version.