posted on 26/5/09 at 04:00 PM |
Anyone got a GSXR600 SRAD?
Ive been trying to find out what the two outlets are for on my fuel pump, hours of searching on the internet havent come up with anything. Im 99%
certain i have the right pump from a carbed SRAD.
If someone has one would they mind checking where the two outlets go to? I assume the bigger of the two is the mian outlet for fuel but havent a clue
what the second smaller outlet is for.
posted on 26/5/09 at 04:27 PM |
The second outlet is not an outlet it is a vacuum feed from one of the cylinders. it is designed to shut the fuel supply off when the bike engine is
not running. otherwise, when you take the fuel tank off, fuel would run out of the bottom of the tank.
So you should find that one of the carbs has a vacuum take off which has not been blanked off. Run a pipe from there to the smaller of the two
connections on your pump and Bob's your uncle.
Bare in mind that this pump should be gravity fed. it will not work if it is above the fuel supply from the tank.
posted on 26/5/09 at 04:35 PM |
Ahh great!
At least i now know what i does...
So its a bit like a shut off valve on the bottom of tank?
The pump is on the bottom of the tank but the pump will be lower than the carbs.
Will it still work OK?
Is there any way if bypassing it so that it always runs? as its a long way to run a vacuum hose from the front to the back
[Edited on 26/5/09 by Miks15]
posted on 26/5/09 at 05:15 PM |
If you have mounted this pump straight into the bottom of your fuel tank then it will work the same as it did as fitted to the bike. I think you will
find that the pump will overpower the diaphragm in the vacuum shut off anyway. but the flow will increase if you apply a vacuum to the vacuum take
off. i don't see why you could't run a hose the length of the car if needed. try running it without anything connected to the pump except
the fuel supply. it may be that you can remove the diaphragm if the flow needs to be greater over the distance it is supplying.