posted on 12/12/12 at 09:11 PM |
User revival - Build begins
So i have been here a long time. Really, a looooong time.
I wont bore you with the details of what has gone on since i first came here researching the idea of one day completing my goal of building a car from
scratch, but here i am.
And heres what i have just bought:
Should have it in my garage for the end of the year. No idea what engine will go in, whether i will go donor car or part accumulation, or really any
clue about the IVA (a lot has changed since i last researched things it seems!), so brace for an onslaught of questions!
Nice to be back!
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 12/12/12 at 09:32 PM |
The journey begins
The questions will follow
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 12/12/12 at 09:56 PM |
Get a Mazda mx 5
posted on 12/12/12 at 11:21 PM |
Welcome back, good luck
posted on 13/12/12 at 07:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
Get a Mazda mx 5
Anyone done a build thread or such like with an MX5? I had considered them but i remember test driving one a while ago and being underwhelmed at the
power. Plus i have a live axle chassis so that will mean mods to run the MX rear diff...
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 13/12/12 at 10:35 AM |
Back just in time to join the 10 year club then ![](/images//smilies/wink.gif)
Get stuck in, ask away and realise the dream!
posted on 13/12/12 at 11:32 AM |
Have a look at my photo archive.
I built my car with a 1600cc MX5 engine and 5 speed gearbox linked to an Escort Live-axle.
It's not as fast as some on here (not much is) but it's plenty fast enough to get started and there are loads of tuning options
If you want to ask any questions send me a U2U.
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 13/12/12 at 05:01 PM |
quote: Originally posted by JAG
Have a look at my photo archive.
I built my car with a 1600cc MX5 engine and 5 speed gearbox linked to an Escort Live-axle.
It's not as fast as some on here (not much is) but it's plenty fast enough to get started and there are loads of tuning options
If you want to ask any questions send me a U2U.
JAG! Good man, i can see me pestering you a bit then!
So did you have the lump running on the mazda ECU before going megasquirt? Any issues there? And have you got yours on an age related plate witht he
MX5 as a donor? Was that easy enough to do?
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 14/12/12 at 06:17 AM |
It's still running on the Mazda ECU! I built the mega squirt but haven't fitted it yet. It was pretty easy to get it working. My donor was
a 1994 car so the engine management is relatively isolated from the rest of the car's systems.
It's registered on a Q plate - which I think is the best way forward as it reduces the trouble with emissions at MOT.
[Edited on 14/12/12 by JAG]
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 14/12/12 at 07:21 AM |
I see. Have much issues with a car on a Q plate then? I always assumed they were a nightmare to insure and generally frowned upon? Frankly, if its
just a stigma over it having the plate, i'll be throwing it on a Q plate!
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 14/12/12 at 08:05 AM |
Perhaps other people consider it a blemish on a cars character - it says 'this car was either built from parts or is of indeterminate
I think that's OK because the car was built from parts of varying age and I've no expectation of making a profit or even breaking even
when/if I sell the car.
It causes no issues when I insure it.
At MOT time it means no emissions test - just a quick 'look' for visible smoke - and most MOT testers don't really worry about it as
they see the Q plate and understand it's a kit car
A few years ago my car passed an MOT when the engine was running so rich that it made the MOT testers eyes water when it was running
The MAF Meter on the inlet was jammed about 75% open and the engine was running really rough - he still passed it
Do a search - the Q plate thing has been discussed many times.
[Edited on 14/12/12 by JAG]
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 14/12/12 at 11:40 AM |
Thanks for that. To be honest, i really dont want to be buying yet another car, even if it is for breaking. At present this chassis will be car number
5 in total. I like the way of being able to trickle funds into this, buying bits as and when as opposed to a full doner at once.
I should actually think about selling one of my others in fact...
[Edited on 14/12/12 by thetankwad]
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 14/12/12 at 12:10 PM |
I had a lucky break and bought my engine and gearbox plus ECU and a few other bits off someone who was modifying their MX5 to carry a Sierra Cosworth
engine and gearbox.
Keep an eye on the classifieds here and on Ebay. I'm sure there was someone on the For Sale section of this forum selling a 1.8 MX5 engine quite
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 14/12/12 at 12:12 PM |
Yeah - have a look at this post;
1.8 MX5 Engine, Gearbox and ECU
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 14/12/12 at 12:41 PM |
Oooh, nice one! I'll see what the craic is with that...
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 19/12/12 at 04:16 PM |
Hmm, looks like the OP on that sale thread is MIA.
Stil, its got me on the MX5 track. Before that i was having all manner of strange plans, some involving an Austin A series mated to a midget box and
forced induction....
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 21/1/13 at 10:01 PM |
You can get complete donors for under £500 if you spend the time looking! I would definitely go that route.
posted on 21/1/13 at 10:11 PM |
Still waiting on the chassis arriving. Weather isn't helping...
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 16/2/13 at 06:32 PM |
This morning, i started an epic roadtrip. Not epic due to distance, more epic due to speed....
1.6 8v on a carb. Got knows how many horses are left, but even Tesco arent interested in them. This would also be the first test of my new (old)
trailer AND new towbar, all fitted myself. nothing like hitting it running!!
My route took me past the local services at Knockhill.. some nice machines around here...
So after 2 months since putting down the deposit (i hope this hasnt set the pace for this build!!) i got the chassis home. 200 miles in a clapped out
Vitara averaging 40 the whole way was a test of patience, but as the sun began to set, i reached the base of operations!!
Hauled out of the trailer myself (these chassis' really are light!!) and placed it on the creeper. It fits the pokey lean-to!
One brief tidy later and we're tucked up for the night.
Now the big task... What to put in it!!!???
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 18/2/13 at 07:17 AM |
Got the chassis properly planted on some stands last night. Once that was done, and i gave the garage a proper tidy, it was time for
"that" pic....
Might think about widening it..... or losing weight
[Edited on 18/2/13 by thetankwad]
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 8/4/13 at 07:04 AM |
Wee bit of progress, picked this up yesterday!
£450, ticket till November, does start but loses a charge quick (probable alternator fault).
Going to service it and throw the Mrs the keys for 6 months. give me time to service it properly and make sure everything works as it should. Its
pretty scabby so i don't think I'll push to get a new MOT on it, so the engine technically arrives in November!
In the meantime, at least i know i'm definitely going MX5. Time to start chopping the chassis for IRS!
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 13/4/13 at 03:25 PM |
So as promised, the angle grinder came out... and more!
First off, i had to clean the MX5. Mrs Overdrive is going to use it until the MOT is out in November, giving me time to build a garage and modify the
chassis. I alos checked out a noisy bearing that had been grumbling. Turns out the front bearing just needed a nip up. Still, one to keep an eye
I couldnt resist a wee side by side picture....
Moving on, i have an original "Chapman" chassis that is designed for a live axle. As such, there are strengthening spars that are
incorrect and useless for IRS. These are the 2 lower bars below...
(Angle grinder itching to go!!) I didnt take all of these out to begin with, as they do help with the triangulation of the rear of the car. Instead, i
started fabricating the lower diff frame and lower wishbone point for the chassis.
Dont worry, no welding was done on the battery! I was just using it for alignment.... Once cut, it was time to tack into place
Then final weld....
I missed a few pictures showing my cunning techniques for alignment, but long story short, the open part of the frame was welded to the lower chassis
leg at the seat backs...
...and 2 support spars put between the diff carrier and the rear of the chassis....
This is a slight deviation from the Haynes design, but i feel it "looks" better than a horizontal spar
Still to clean up the welds, but not bad progress for my first day of project 7up!
--Lets get down to Business!--
Not Anumber
posted on 13/4/13 at 04:37 PM |
You have made a really good start there. If you are modifying the book chassis for MX5 IRS it would be worth having a look at some of the work Talon
has done with recasing the MX5 diff for the Haynes Roadster. The MX5 diff can be tricky to locate but when it is recased it fits just like a Sierra
posted on 13/4/13 at 06:32 PM |
Is Talon a user on here?
I have a plan for locating the diff but it would be good to compare notes.
--Lets get down to Business!--
posted on 16/4/13 at 06:49 PM |
Rear of the car now fully welded in place, it was time to lop out the remaining supports...
..and angle in where the new lower diff carrier will meet the rear seat wall...
Which takes us to todays ebay arrival!
So handy for welding at right angles...
Some penetration shots (stop laughing)
and the uprights are in!
Really content just plodding away with a section a night. Keeps it entertaining and stops me rushing and making it wrong. Up next, upper wishbone
supports and diff mounts...
--Lets get down to Business!--