posted on 16/1/07 at 09:32 PM |
Just to settle an argument
im "debating" with my friend over two cars,
what do you think would get around SPA quicker, a 380BHP Evo or a 200HP locost.
the locost has a lower center of gravity so i would assume that it would take the Evo around the corners and it has a much better BHP/Weight ratio so
i would assume it would accelerate quicker but as discussed previously the evo would probably take the locost after 100mph.
my friend thinks the evo would be better all round, who do you think is right?
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but
your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death
posted on 16/1/07 at 09:35 PM |
oh yea i forgot to add, the Locost in the argument is a CEC
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but
your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death
posted on 16/1/07 at 09:38 PM |
locost would be quicker i think
that evo would be a turbo, which would close the power difference gap a bit if the locost was na, apparantly.
locost could out brake and out accelerate the evo i would imagine. only be better on high speed i think due to aero problems.
i don't know spa by the way
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posted on 16/1/07 at 09:38 PM |
SPA is a "long" circuit where straight line power is king.
I think that the 380bhp will win.
If you have a short or very twisty circuit, then I think the locost would win.
posted on 16/1/07 at 09:38 PM |
depends who built the locost
[Edited on 16/1/07 by ch1ll1]
posted on 16/1/07 at 09:39 PM |
ahh then it would be closer and only because of aerodynamics
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posted on 16/1/07 at 09:52 PM |
OOo, I think the Evo will win. With it having 4 wheel drive and all the electronic sh1t you don't have to slow down for corners, just chuck it
in and the computer gets you round the corner
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:10 PM |
This is SPA
The Evo - easy! Too fast a track for a locost!!
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:16 PM |
I'd go with the evo.
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:24 PM |
Gotta be the Evo. Spa is a fast circuit with some long straights - a CEC Locost is going to run into a (soft) brickwall at around 120-130mph &
over the ton will be slow to get any quicker. The Evo will only have to slow down for the Bus Stop!
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Don't forget Stainless Steel Braided brake hoses, made to your exact requirements in any of around 16 colours.
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posted on 16/1/07 at 10:28 PM |
Just want to add a bit more, I don't think a normal Locost will out accelerate the Evo.
In the passenger seat I saw the speedo in a work mates Evo6 go to 120mph from the bottom of the slip road to joining the carriageway a split second
later. Seriously fast things they are  
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:32 PM |
would we all agree though that a busa powered radical would probably blow the evo away?! 
Confused but excited.
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:42 PM |
Oh Yes !
Tell them about the bent treacle edges!
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:44 PM |
Bad track for a locost
I think the evo may have the edge, but its not the most aerodynamic car either.
I saw alocost (1.7 cross flow) beat a 350 bhp scubby at a local track day. beat it by almost 7 sec in a 1.55 ish lap.
But the top speed never got past 90mph.
Spa is a fast track but that hill, Eau Rouge, is an absolute corker, walked the track after the 2004 GP. Ill bet 4x4 or not the Evo driver would shit
it at the top and never take it flat.
The hill must be a 1in 4 or even steeper, would be awsome in a locost flat out.
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:46 PM |
I think that the locoster would sh!t it too!!!!!!!
posted on 16/1/07 at 10:59 PM |
Locost... The Evo would need a service before it completed a lap
posted on 16/1/07 at 11:15 PM |
The answer of course is 'it depends' partly on weight but mostly on who is driving.
Better all round is an interesting idea. The evo certainly doesn't handle, stop or accelerate (I'm assuming it weighs more than 1000kg)
as well as the locost could if put together well from the right bits and set up properly. What it does win on is aerodynamics, driver comfort and
weather protection.
[Edited on 16/1/07 by iank]
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
Mark Allanson
posted on 16/1/07 at 11:16 PM |
Evo by a mile, because it would belong to someone else and I could thrash it to death without a worry, I would have too much mechanical sympathy for
my own car .
Seriously though, my car would out handle an evo at sub 100mph speeds, but it becomes a brick at that speed and is an unknown quantity if hounding
into corners with the airflow trying to throw the car into the clouds.
I think the evo would have it due to aerodynamics alone, but the se7en would have it on a smiles per mile point of view
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 16/1/07 at 11:20 PM |
So, the general concensus seems to be the Evo.
Only one thing needed. A locost with 380 bhp.
No contest.
PS I know where there's a 380bhp donor
posted on 16/1/07 at 11:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Simon
PS I know where there's a 380bhp donor
I know where there's a (over) 380bhp Locost!
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
posted on 16/1/07 at 11:39 PM |
Which evo though and what got it to 380 brake?
THe RS is flat out at 120 and is very short geared, the GSR is more animal cruisy but still 'kin quick.
I don't think it would be as clear cut as you think, the evo isn't a straight line car, it gets its speed from brutal acceleration (mine
being a lardy GSR did 0-60 in 4.8, uphill timed on a V-Box) and traction out of the corners.
PLEASE NOTE - Responses on Forum Threads may contain Sarcasm and may not be suitable for the hard of Thinking.
posted on 16/1/07 at 11:42 PM |
Probably the Evo. As has been said the track is quick, mind you I've eaten enough of them round Kirkistown to know they aren't that good
at going round corners (they weigh 1500kgs odd). Their acceleration up to about 90-100 is OK.
The key point is that with the money saved from building the locost you could build your own racetrack :-)
posted on 17/1/07 at 12:44 AM |
Id have took him in my r1 BEC
bit fairs fair were talking about a 12-20k Jap Car here to have 380 brake
so i could build one evil zx14r car for that there would be no competition
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posted on 17/1/07 at 01:50 AM |
My money would be on the EVO,on that track,round cadwell park it may be a different story,but those EVO'S are monsters,look at the figures on
the fq400, 0 to 62mph in 3.5 seconds,175mph,but your looking at £46,000 your average locost is less than 10% of that,and it would still give the EVO
a good run for its money thats the point of the argument that needs to be made.
Middy Tim
posted on 17/1/07 at 02:14 AM |
Call Top Gear. Get The Stig to SPA, give him the keys to both cars, let him have at it. We'll know pretty quickly after that. 