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Author: Subject: chassis options for race car?
austin man

posted on 23/8/11 at 09:10 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by procomp

So you deny that an Mk IndyR chassis had chassis failure whilst running in the CNC championship without race damage and that Ian kempsons car has had numerous chassis failures during the 2010 season. ?

Cheers Matt

Im Sure that all cars of any description have some failure even the top marques, which I have witnessed, much of this down to Mechanic error wrong tourque on bolts especially on the wishbones I believe both Danny and Ian suffered from a bolt coming adrift.Dannys chasiss failure I believe was a front wheel impact damaging the wishbone mount which was repaired using a portable arc welder then he went out to race again

Unfortunately this appears to be a get at MK thread once again and way off what the first guy wanted when he posted the thread. Any RGB car should be capable of faster times than a seven mainly due to aerodynamics.

How many top marques have been recalled due to problems the Indy R, 3 years ago was still being developed and im sure if any one thinks that danyys car has had special treatment he would gladly sell them his chasis after this season. As danny says any one is free to pop along to the track session he is considering doing, The proof in the pudding is in the eating.

Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone

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posted on 24/8/11 at 12:24 AM Reply With Quote

No i believe and there are witnesses that the chassis have failed with nothing to do with racing accidents. Ian's car has had numerous chassis problems which have all been witnessed by many in the paddock.

And now getting defencive regarding RGB cars and seven shapes. Well in the Kits there is absolutely no difference in aero performance between the Strikers LA's westfields and the fury / phoenix type shapes as proved in the Zetec class and again in RGB when Tim Grey won the old class C in a striker against the full bodied cars in the class. So again if you take the RGB class F cars times and compare you can clearly see that the MK would simply be eaten alive if reduced to a set of A048's and a 1000cc Which is why they refuse to run a car in the RGB.

And it's not a "get Mk thread" it's simply a case of dealing with straightforward FACTS and not misleading information.
And yes it has gone way OT from what was being asked by the OP but we can put that down to people trying to give misleading info and Danny getting all defencive.

So back to the Op's question simply take a look at the 750Mc results where JP-Strikers Raw-Strikers Westfields La Golds Dax Rush's Ron Book chassis MNR's and yes MK's compete. Then work out what you want from the manufacturer and what it needs to make thier chassis competative.

Cheers Matt

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posted on 24/8/11 at 08:29 AM Reply With Quote
I would not like to see this thread descend into an MK Vs the 750MC as it would be a shame to alienate some potential entrants into Kits and/or RGB.

The Indy R (the same as other sevens) would not be competitive against RGB mid engined (ClassR) cars but there is no reason why it could not compete well against the strikers/MNRs/Fury/Phoenix that exist in Class F. It would take some time to get to the front of F as it is very competitive but it would be a great place to develop and improve the cars (already good) ability. The championship winning car can come from either class as points are awarded based on class position.

I personally would like to see more diversity in RGB, the more the merrier.

By the way, just to correct Dannys earlier post, his fastest lap at Mallory would have qualified him 4th on the RGB grid (behind 3 class R cars) based on the times this year, 0.08 seconds ahead of the fastest class F fury. Regardless, 48 seconds around Mallory is a good time and shows that the basic platform of the car is very capable.



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D Beddows

posted on 24/8/11 at 09:14 AM Reply With Quote
I do enjoy these threads

On a more practical note I would suggest the OP goes and actually talks to the different manufacturers to see which one he gets on with best - the cars themselves aren't REALLY all that different at the end of the day. I know Matt winds a lot of people up by telling the truth (as he sees it obviously ) and a lot of people just don't like being told they're doing it wrong - in MY experience Matt & Ivan are rather annoyingly seldom wrong though and unlike a lot of people in the kit car industry do what they say they are going to, when they say they are going to do it (and no that's not a dig at MK, rather the kit car industry in general).

I spoke to Martin Keenan several times many many years ago when Locosts were just starting out and I got on great with him tbh - I had different experiences with MK when he left to develop other things mind you but that just MY experience - lots of other people obviously get on with them very well.

So, entertaining as these threads are, they serve no useful purpose whatsoever - but then we all knew that already didn't we

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posted on 24/8/11 at 09:14 AM Reply With Quote
My two cents worth from somebody tou asked the same question this time last year.
I decided to go with an MK..and so did a friend of mine. The 2 builds were started at the same time the difference being.. MK were building his car and i built my own car.....
A year on if you ask me or my friend would we make the same choice now .. the answer would be NO ....
BTW both these cars were built for racing and hillclimb ...
Now the reasons for saying NO..
.if i were doing it again i would buy a westfield ...a built one! as it would work out cheaper than building an MK as most people know building always has hidden cost.
After finishing my car in july and on its debut last weekend on the hills.. I had 2 class wins on both days with a 12th overall on the first day and a 9th on the second day ...I was in the middle of the single seater.. so with out doubt the car can perform and it did..
My reason fo saying clear of an MK is ther total lack of customer service... and the quality of there parts they supply with there kit...I waited for weeks and weeks for parts to finish my build which was extremely fustrating and was constantly being told a bunch of lies from MK being told week after week they were on there way but never came...i eventually had to travel from Ireland to MK workshop to get my parts to find they still didnt have them all there..
And dont think you get any better service if they build your car for fact its worse..
My friend got delivery of his car in may and did one hill climb and track day and had a small accident at the track find the engine came of it mounts and damaging the dry sump pump due to MK fitting standard engine mounts amd not competition ones...he had to remove his engine and to get it checked ..while doing all this work he has uncovered just how badly the car was built... their wiring of the car was just down right brutal...and you wouldnt see it on a now he it totally rewiring the car.. also when he removed his seats even tough there is a strap welding into the frame of the car for mounting the seats they bolted them straight to the 5 mm alloy floor which is dame right dangerious...

he is also still waiting 2 months later for parts to finish rebuilding his car after the accident from MK and they dont seem to be coming ..
so if you have an accident don think youll get your car repaired fast as you will never get the parts from MK

So buy a westfield ... cheaper in the long run...and at least someone answers the phone in the westfield office

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Neville Jones

posted on 24/8/11 at 09:21 AM Reply With Quote
Only when MK put a car in a one on one, like for like situation, will the qualities(or lack of) really come out.

But why race against similar cars, when you can be a big fish against minnows in the Allcomers?

A hyabusa in a 7 type car should be unbeatable against what run in the class MK choose to showcase their product. When someone shows up with a bonafide LMP car, and thrashes the lot of them, what will the opinions be then? MK are less than average?


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danny keenan

posted on 24/8/11 at 12:04 PM Reply With Quote
matt ur just going to have to watch this space you will no when im in rgb.

neville have you seen the cars i race againts there abit more than cars made in a shed.for example a dtm audi,caterhams,westfilds with 270bhp.
i go in the allcomers for abit of fun.the lmp car was laping mallory in 45 seconds how do you want me to beet that in a seven type car.
the last time i raced in the oulton were there was lots of seven style cars i won by 48 seconds.

thanks danny

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D Beddows

posted on 24/8/11 at 01:15 PM Reply With Quote
You'll have to take into consideration that I have a REALLY sh*tty cold at the moment and have my grumpy hat on while I'm writing this BUT I find it absolutely impossible to take seriously anything someone who insists on posting in txt speak on forums says...... would it kill you to post in English???
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posted on 24/8/11 at 02:02 PM Reply With Quote
Going back to erlier posts, i do belive its unfair to compare rob spencer and danny keenan when spencer is running a standerd engine (like that of the mk driven by wainwright in the series)
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austin man

posted on 25/8/11 at 07:12 PM Reply With Quote
I think you will find that Danny Wainright gave Danny R a runf for his money at cadwell, he also did quite well at Mallory not bad really for his first few outings.

Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone

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austin man

posted on 25/8/11 at 08:14 PM Reply With Quote
Rule 1 of sales

Never slag any one elses product

Rule 2

Sell yours on the strength of its qualities

If you cant sell yours by rule 2 then you need to review your product, I don't note Mk ripping anyones product to bits on this forum Hmmm

It would appear that a certain few on this forum only come to life when M and K appear in any post.

remember Karmas a bitch boys

PS See the Oulton footage and decide on the cars handling capability

Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone

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posted on 26/8/11 at 02:46 PM Reply With Quote

First of Austin man i commented on this thread after YOU made deliberately misleading comments against my products. And again once Danny started making some what misleading comments.

If you cant comment without actually sticking to FACTS then why comment. I haven't made a single personal comment or slagged the MK products off. I have merely kept to the FACTS.

And as for the video footage. Well that surely just goes to prove what i and others have said. Danny's car running with a tuned Hayabusa and slicks being able to only just lap within 1-2 seconds of the current class F RGB cars running with STOCK 1000 cc engines and Yokohama A048's. Regarding the handling again the vid shows Danny's car being able to leave the other car for dead on acceleration and straight line speed but then loose all that advantage at every corner. And just watch the car as he takes any small amount of kerb it's all over the place with no control of the damping what so ever.

Cheers Matt

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danny keenan

posted on 26/8/11 at 04:39 PM Reply With Quote
matt i think you should be in f1. you no so much about car set-up.

if you had the same engine as mine and my £10 slicks and your car how much would you gain over the A048's
just so i now how far iv got to go before im as good as you.

just to let you no my engine is over 90bhp and takes the car over 100 mph.i no you won't be used to going that fast in ur locost

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austin man

posted on 26/8/11 at 05:41 PM Reply With Quote
Matt never tried to make misleading comments about your car I did state that it was to my knowledge very succesfull in the 750 series which I believe is a positive comment and if I recall that I not all hadn't really heard of it really outside the 750. You where obviously able to substantiate that it has had other success, therefore I gifted you the opportunity to further advertise the cars ability.

If I have in any way mislead any on then I apologies never my intention too as I wouldnt wish to affect anyones business as stated before the product should sell on its own merrits. I think if you ask spencer about the cornering ability of the MK he would testify that it pushed him all round Mallory I think that Danny would also agree that he is still learning too, he did on a few occasions lock up into some corners.

Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone

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posted on 26/8/11 at 06:08 PM Reply With Quote

And there you go Danny nothing factual but resorting to personal comments. !!!

You keep referring to these £10 slicks but have already said you purchased new slicks for the previous meeting at croft.!

And i am quite proud of the fact that we are involved in the Locost championship. Yes that's the championship that has a reputation for being one off if not the closest and most competitive championship in the UK, And yes our products - setup work - and general workmanship are amongst the best in that championship.

You comment on locosts only being 100MPH well yep but i would bet that they are carrying as much apex speed on YOKO A539's as you are in your car on slicks. You see anyone can buy straight line speed / performance but where the setup and chassis dynamics come into play is round the corners. I don't feel the need to go on about all the 150+MPH cars i setup work on and test as that's just day to day work. And give me the choice of whether id like to drive a 150+MPH car or drive a 100MPH ( Locost ) car in one of the closest and most competitive championships in the UK. I usually chose the Locost. Why because it's a championship where to do well you have to be at the top off your game and drive to a very good standard.

Cheers Matt

PS. I take it your not going to answer the question from earlier in the posts or acknowledge your customers problems with parts supply / workmanship complaints. ?

PPS. As it's now resorted to personal comments rather than FACTS i feel it's time to take no further part in this thread.

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posted on 26/8/11 at 10:35 PM Reply With Quote

Not a good advert for the sport this thread is it..

There's only one truth in Motorsport, and it's a stopwatch.

I'm not going to post the relevant lap times of the various cars on here, but we can all go away and compare who's doing what times where (google is your friend)
We know what slicks are worth over A048's..
We know what extra power and less weight is worth too..

And we can all look up the benchmark times too (i.e. how quick one is against the Formula Fords!)

We can look at video's and be impressed - or not, depending on how you interpret what you see.

And work it all out... if we could be bothered..

Or we could - GET A LIFE, and quietly get on with our bit of the sport, and the important job of attracting more people into it!

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posted on 26/8/11 at 10:53 PM Reply With Quote
Right Rant Mode Off

Back to the OP's question..

There are folk on here who are talking about their own products - they will, quite rightly, be biased.
(If they're not, then there's something very wrong indeed!)

There are folk on here who have spent a fair amount of time developing a car into something quite competitive, often this car can be a real oddball too, and they will be biased also.. (for the same reason as the above)

The only person who can tell you what will work for you is - You.

There's only really one way to do this, get yourself to as many event's as you can of the class you want to have a bash at and really get involved, offer your services as a helper (there's always somebody who needs an extra pair of hands) and you'll whittle your list down really quick.. watching how things work, break, get repaired and who having the best crac is very illuminating.

Then go and visit the manufacturers of your short list - if you don't like the look & feel - walk away, one of them will Click and thats the one.

You'll then spend lots of time and enthusiasm and a bit of money developing it over several seasons until you and it are competitive, to you it will then be the best thing since sliced bread and you too can be on here sellings it's virtue's

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posted on 27/8/11 at 06:23 PM Reply With Quote
Well said this thread started of as somebody wanting to know which chassis may be good for racing not a mud slinging post on how good my chassis but there's is crap

Ps spoke with Ian kempster today about the chassis always breaking and he said this is news to him the only problem he had was a worn nylon nut which came of the rear upright at anglesey .........

Puddle Dodgers Club

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posted on 27/8/11 at 09:47 PM Reply With Quote
I'm here at silverstone just met up with Austin man and zetecamo such a small world all we need now are the 5 finger windows from here to complete the set

Puddle Dodgers Club

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posted on 27/8/11 at 11:15 PM Reply With Quote
Before I even read the first post, I had a feeling this thread would become a slagging match between the usual suspects.


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