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Author: Subject: Young driver

posted on 14/11/12 at 04:52 PM Reply With Quote
ok mate, but i don't really want to waste peoples time! what do i say? do i just call them and let them know im just interested?
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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:02 PM Reply With Quote
The Lady at Footman James said I have to be 25 to get a quote, going to try the company I looked at last night

EDIT@ just rang Adrian, or then refered me to apparently there my best bet to contact them now.... wish me luck

[Edited on 13/11/2012 by jawskk]

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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:23 PM Reply With Quote
If there is ever a time in your life that you will drive a kitcar as your daily driver, it's now!
As a youngster, I had a car but as SWMBO used it for work, I went everywhere on my motorbike. Because it's what I had to do, I didn't give it a second thought and I suspect you'd be the same. I now have a choice as to whether I go to work on a cold draughty motorbike, a cold noisy kit car, a big Transit Ambulance, or a nice quiet, warm, comfortable, Audi A4 Quattro.
You will be able to get insurance but it comes at a cost. When you're ringing companies for quotes, ask to increase the excess and reduce the annual mileage. You can always amend the mileage mid-cover as you get close to your limit. As I said previously, you get a lot more car for your money of you stay away from a se7eneque car. Almost any kitcar you can get your mittens on will have a better power to weight ration than your average 1.1 Saxo.
Have a look here and find something with a roof. Don't discount a Mini/Metro based car or something a bit left-field. A roof will make all the difference to how often you want to use it!!
Look at GTM, Dutton, Quantum (older ones), etc.

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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:26 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by jawskk

The MEV Exocet looks incredible! are we looking at the same thing? heres what im looking at....

Is that what you mean is cheap, or am i looking a the more modern version of it? or completely looking at the wrong thing? any pictures or links to what you mean?

Thats the one. They're pretty cool but really really impractical for winter.

Originally posted by SCAR
Or build a 7 from Ron Chapions book you can do it for £250 apparently

Possibly in the early 90's, but certainly not now. The materials for a chassis will set you back more then that I should think. An IVA alone is £450 assuming you don't fail.

Originally posted by SCAR
A word of advice, you would probably have to add at least 3k to any figures a kit supplier gives you for a budget build

Usually true, but when it comes down to the exocet if you do it on a real budget and get a decent donor that doesn't need any work on the engine etc. then you'd probably be able to manage it in budget. You'd still have to stick the £450 IVA fee on top but I'm not 100% sure that the exocet needs an IVA, wasn't that one of its major selling points?

Originally posted by jawskk
ok mate, but i don't really want to waste peoples time! what do i say? do i just call them and let them know im just interested?

Phone up a kit car insurer and ask them for a quote on the car. Give them yours and the cars details but make it so you 17 and just passed your test. They'll either give you a quote or tell you they can't quote you, if they give you a quote then you might buy insurance from them so your not wasting their time.

Now, onto the Dutton Phaeton. It was designed and marketed by Tim Dutton, whilst I personally have nothing against Tim Dutton, he does have a somewhat questionable track record. Some of his designs weren't exactly brilliant and his latest amphicars have a rather tarnished reputation. The main reason I'm always a bit 50/50 on the phaeton is the chassis. Heres a picture of a dutton chassis:

Heres a picture of a locost chassis:

Spot any major differences? Namely that the Dutton Chassis looks like its been made out of scrap box section welded together a really strange way. I really wouldn't want to see what a Dutton chassis looks like after a smash, I think the locost would fair better (but its still not brilliant). Then again, I guess you don't buy a kit car for its NCAP safety rating!

One other word of warning, if your looking for a kit car on ebay make sure you go and view it first. Buying blind is never a good idea. When you do go to look at one feel free to make an offer on it, you'll probably get it for lower then you would in an auction.

Make sure you look in the kit car magazines, classified ad websites, owners clubs etc. there are often cars for sale there.

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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:26 PM Reply With Quote
The first 2 sentences are so true :L im thinking at this age that the rain or the cold just doesn't bother me, but the later i leave it, the more it will! I will take a look at the link shortly,

Also i've run into a deadend, i tryed to use the site but it doesn't recognise any reg i put in, nor does it have the make of the car. This is obviously causing a problem! anyone used this company?


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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:34 PM Reply With Quote
Thanks alot computid!

Great response, thats certainly made me look at those pictures a few times :L , Currently im actually swaying towards the MEV as that looks great! there's always mx5's going cheap online, which i'd obviously check out, but looks like a bargain and can get a few bob for the spares

Still struggling with the insurance side, got told they don't insure under 25's, so rang another company who refered me to another, who then told me to use the website, but it won't recognise any kit car registration's ? anything else i should do?

The company's so far are...

Footman James - no longer insure under 25's on kit cars
Adrian Flux - Refereed me to a " better company "
" Better company " - refereed me to - Won't recognise the reg plates

Anyone want to add the the chain or list of company's that might?


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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:35 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by jawskk
The first 2 sentences are so true :L im thinking at this age that the rain or the cold just doesn't bother me, but the later i leave it, the more it will! I will take a look at the link shortly,

Also i've run into a deadend, i tryed to use the site but it doesn't recognise any reg i put in, nor does it have the make of the car. This is obviously causing a problem! anyone used this company?


Almost no kit car companies will quote online. You'll have to phone them.

Be warned that last time I used tiger they were crap, didn't get me any quotes and spammed by email adress.

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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:38 PM Reply With Quote
Dont see why adrian flux would refure you to anyone else i have been covered by them on my 7 since 19
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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:41 PM Reply With Quote
I wasn't sure either? hmm will look at others,

anyone know sureterm? they seem keen on kit cars? or is there any insurance company's on here? Any members i could drop a pm to?


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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:42 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by monck
Dont see why adrian flux would refure you to anyone else i have been covered by them on my 7 since 19

Flux refused to quote me at 17 and 18 on both classics and kit cars.

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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:52 PM Reply With Quote
any chance i can have a list of insurance company's people did get insured through at 18- 19 etc. so i can give them a call instead?


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posted on 14/11/12 at 05:56 PM Reply With Quote
Hey jawskk,

If your interested I'm in the process of building a Fisher Fury at the moment and live in Spalding too, so you can pop round and have a look at that if you like. I'm only around at weekends at the moment but drop me a U2u and see when I'm about. Still at the paneling stage at the moment but should give you the idea. You can see the link to my build site below.

Also, if you need any info on build your own chassis and engine fits then big_wasa on here is building his own and is a Zetec guru.


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posted on 14/11/12 at 06:00 PM Reply With Quote

Thanks for the offer! and your so close will see when im free, then drop you a pm

Thank you

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posted on 14/11/12 at 06:00 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by jawskk
any chance i can have a list of insurance company's people did get insured through at 18- 19 etc. so i can give them a call instead?


Here's a link to a previous thread regarding a list of kitcar insurers for your info.


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posted on 14/11/12 at 06:23 PM Reply With Quote
thank you will take a look at this.

Also looking at the Mev Exocet, thats certainly almost guaranteed thats what I want to build! although some say its cheap, and others say it isn't? anyone have one of these that they don't mind sharing there story's?


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posted on 14/11/12 at 06:52 PM Reply With Quote
Try MSM Insurance.

Twitter: @Elitemotoreng


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posted on 14/11/12 at 07:30 PM Reply With Quote
Just to comfirm, and hopefully get a little list, which is the best for insurance, or you would recommended for the least project cost?

locost 7 with zetec 1600/1800 or zx9r or similar bike engine
Mac#1 with zetec 1600/1800 or zx9r or similar bike engine
Mev Exocet with MX5 engine?

The locost 7 i would aim to buy used and run down, maybe even a rolling chassis, then give it new rims, new paint and interior and a new engine?

Sorry that I've asked this so much! i just want to confirm this, before i ring more company's tomorrow ?


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posted on 14/11/12 at 08:03 PM Reply With Quote
I got insurance at 18 with an r1 engined mk, use it all year round and its the cats tits. just wrap up and forget about staying dry.
best plan is to get a kitcar magazine and phone every insurer in it, youll get something... i was paying about 2500 my first year.
if you get a new kit and do it yourself you know the car inside out, which is only a good thing and wont be too hard if your doing engineering.
from scratch expect to pay about 10 grand on the road for a bike engined mk.

msm are good, but they use nig, who are appalling when you need them, so dont crash.

[Edited on 14/11/12 by A1]

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posted on 14/11/12 at 08:08 PM Reply With Quote
A1 when where you 18 out of intrest as i could not get cover at 19 for a bec and that was 2 years ago just wondering if it was longer ago than that and things have tightend up ...

Sorry to go of subject

[Edited on 14/11/12 by monck]

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posted on 14/11/12 at 08:09 PM Reply With Quote
Thanks for the feed back,

thats not bad then, will give them a call tomorrow and see what they will do for Zetec and the motorbike engines etc. Although i do like the sound of the R1 in the MK, although £2500 is a little high, was hoping for under £2000. Will have to see if maybe a zx9r would be cheaper, or even a zx6r I've seen are still powerful?

Also, thank you for saying about the cold! thats exactly what i plan to do! when the weather gets harsh, I'll hit the main roads for safety reasons ( gritting etc.)


PS: thats a very good point! Insurance is forever changing, when did you get the insurance?

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posted on 14/11/12 at 11:20 PM Reply With Quote
The more i look, the more good looking kits i stumble across!, whats the difference between the 7 and the zero?

Also anyone know of any build diary's with pictures that are complete i can view?


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posted on 15/11/12 at 07:57 AM Reply With Quote
i had a my kit car at 21 first rwd car and had 350 bhp per ton and im still alive, its now got nearly 600 bhyp per ton

so if your not stupid you will survive.

one thing you need to understand is you dont need a big engine to go fast, a saxo vtr has say 100bhp and weights 1 ton

to be as fast in a 500kg kit car you need 50bhp so fitting a 1.4 or a 1.3 that is 75bhp say is going to make a car that is sub 7 seconds to 60 so in reality will be faster than most things out there

i woudl look at fitting a small cheap engine and there cheaper to run

i used HIC to insure mine at 21, now use 2 gether insurance

hope this helps

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posted on 15/11/12 at 08:11 AM Reply With Quote
Thank you,

That did help indeed! i was looking at the zetec 1600 or even a citroen 1.4? i can get insured on a 1.4 tin top for £1400, and that weighs loads! I was wondering if i could actually do this? If so that will be what i will do! then slowly maybe upgrade the power etc.

And thanks, will look at them and give them a call

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D Beddows

posted on 15/11/12 at 09:09 AM Reply With Quote
1300 xflow that's what you want - not as expensive as the 1600's, will have plenty of power in a lightweight car for a new driver AND you can learn how to build engines as it's the most novice friendly engine there is to rebuild. Oh and finding a rwd gearbox that it fits to will be easy
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posted on 15/11/12 at 09:26 AM Reply With Quote
As positive as I would like to be, as I was in your position a number of years ago, don't be fooled into thinking it will be a quick job. Unless you spend £20k on a Caterham or Westfield kit, you'll be looking at a couple of years minimum to build something road legal as you will be learning as you go along. It's not an age thing really, just a lock of experience that means everything takes 2-3 times longer than expected the first time round.

If you haven't bought an old car and fiddled around with it first then give that a go first would be my advice, get the experience, you'll enjoy building a kit car much more afterwards.

[Edited on 15-11-12 by phelpsa]

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