posted on 18/12/13 at 11:24 AM |
Phoenix Duratec
OK, I have possibly lost the plot (won't be the first time )
I am sure only a few days ago I read a topic about a Phoenix with a Duratec that was using an Emerald ECU, it was an old topic from 2010 or
2011....but can I find the topic now? I have tried every search option I can but still can't find it!
Please help me by saying either 1) I did dream it and have lost the plot or 2) point me in the direction of said topic
posted on 18/12/13 at 11:44 AM |
Ignore me....its a Fury Spyder and its on the JPSC forum not this one
Andy S
posted on 18/12/13 at 07:28 PM |
I know it well