posted on 22/2/07 at 08:46 AM |
What road tax band will I be in?
MK Indy, 2.0 Pinto (1989), age related plate (G reg)
What road tax band will I be in?
(I do have the paperwork for this, but not with me)
posted on 22/2/07 at 08:54 AM |
any use?
posted on 22/2/07 at 10:03 AM |
| will the car count as registered before 2001 as it will be on a G plate (1989)?
posted on 22/2/07 at 10:10 AM |
don't see why not
posted on 22/2/07 at 10:13 AM |
though won't they go by the year indicated on the engine for the emissions standard required for a pass and therefore the emission tax band
comes from that?
posted on 22/2/07 at 10:24 AM |
It'll be the standard old style upper band based on engine size, £175 IIRC. Although registered after 2001, since you have no way of knowing the
emissions in g/km this is the only option. I believe this is true for any SVA'd vehicle even if made with all brand-new parts and given a
brand-new reg as the emissions measuring process is complex, expensive, and therefore only expected for type-approved vehicles.
For type-approval, all the exhaust gases are collected as the vehicle is driven through a 'representative' drive cycle on a rolling road
and the quantities of the components of the emitted gas determined to produce the various emissions figures quoted for new vehicles.
[Edited on 22/2/07 by matt_claydon]
posted on 22/2/07 at 11:10 AM |
So it's most likely £175 then - cheers guys!
posted on 22/2/07 at 12:24 PM |
If your registration plate refers to pre-1st March 2001, or is a ‘Q’ prefix, the rate of VED will be subject to the engine capacity banding ie, Below
1,549cc (Currently £110 for 12 months) and Above 1,549cc (Currently £175 for 12 months)
Vehicles with a registration mark which refers to 1st March 2001 onwards should be subject to GVED (Graduated Vehicle Excise Duty) which is banded
according to the vehicles CO2 Emissions figure. However, because g/km of CO2 is determined during Manufacturers Type Approval and NOT at SVA,
most Kit Cars will fall into the pre – 1st March 2001 engine capacity banding regardless of registration mark.
posted on 22/2/07 at 04:06 PM |
the quick answer Nick is same as me - pay full whack! 90 odd quid for 6 months. Or roughly 6.5p for every mile travelled if you average 3K a year. The
BEC boys get the ultimate deal but im not narked by that