posted on 27/3/08 at 12:30 AM |
"The book"....
I have heard many people mention the book on these forums. some people have said that certain components maybe a dash for example fits the book
my question is as there are now two books out there, the ron champion and the Chris gibbs books which do people generally mean when referring to
"the book"?
I have the chris gibbs book, is it generally considered better or not than the ron champion book?
posted on 27/3/08 at 12:36 AM |
"The book" refers to the Ron Champion book(s). They used escort running gear so are narrow bodied - compared to Chris Gibbs/Haynes book
which is based around the Sierra (and others), which are generally 2" wider.
Then you can add McSorley +4, which is 4" wider than "the book", but only 2" wider than the other book! Clear?
posted on 27/3/08 at 01:26 AM |
quote: Originally posted by twybrow
"The book" refers to the Ron Champion book(s). They used escort running gear so are narrow bodied - compared to Chris Gibbs/Haynes book
which is based around the Sierra (and others), which are generally 2" wider.
Then you can add McSorley +4, which is 4" wider than "the book", but only 2" wider than the other book! Clear?
strangely yes!
is the ron champion book considered superior, i notice that its going for between £60 and £215 on amazon 2nd hand.
posted on 27/3/08 at 02:13 AM |
is the ron champion book considered superior, i notice that its going for between £60 and £215 on amazon 2nd hand.
If you pay that for it, I have a genuine but incomplete, non running Suzuki GT500 that I can let you have for 20 grand
posted on 27/3/08 at 06:34 AM |
Its just out print now thats all. If you really want to build it the (corected) chassis plans are available on the internet for free. Either that or
your can buy my copy for £150
Kind of makes a mockery of build a sportscar for £250 when you have to pay £215 for the book. Doubt you'd get much for your £35 no matter how
frugal you are.
[Edited on 27/3/08 by Mole]
Mr Whippy
posted on 27/3/08 at 08:23 AM |
I'd say the book by Chris is in a different league altogether (I have both books), vastly superior in every aspect. Unless you have a burning
desire to build an escort based car for some reason then use the second book. Saying that all the information is available if you look on the many
Locost sites, including the full plans.
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 27/3/08 at 08:41 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Griffo
is the ron champion book considered superior, i notice that its going for between £60 and £215 on amazon 2nd hand.
books that are out of print seem to go for silly money on amazon
look on ebay - you'll get one with a few oily finger prints for £10 - £30
posted on 27/3/08 at 12:29 PM |
I got my 2nd edition of Ron's book for £6 + delivery on ebay. Just keep your eye on the listings - bargains can still be had!
posted on 27/3/08 at 01:02 PM |
I got a copy of the Vizard pinto book from ebay for £3 + 1.50 P&P
one seller on amazon wanted £38 at the time but some were asking £150+
posted on 27/3/08 at 03:33 PM |
I got both. and the Haynes Roadster manual uses the sierra as a donor (easier to find) and the 'book' which is based on a MK1/2
escort...bloody expensive parts to get now 
posted on 27/3/08 at 04:23 PM |
I plan to build the Haynes Roadster anyway as it uses more common parts, is a bit bigger (im not a small chap), has IRS and i already have that book
thanks Mr whippy and everyone else for clearing up which car is better.
posted on 27/3/08 at 05:55 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I'd say the book by Chris is in a different league altogether (I have both books), vastly superior in every aspect. .........
Cheers mate, the cheque's in the post
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 28/3/08 at 12:35 PM |
vastly superior in every aspect
Except for smallness
Got to agree about quality of books, Buy Chris's.
(and my car is on page 7 )
Because kits are for girls!!