scotty g
posted on 17/7/08 at 08:54 AM |
Ekranoplan. My next big project.
Hi all,
I have had a fascination with these things for years, I think that the Ekranoplan is a genius craft that could solve many problems but only the
russians ever really embraced it.
They are more effecient and quicker than large aircraft with the bonus that they don't need and airfieldto land, a harbour with a nice big dock
side is fine and there are plent of those around nearly ll the major cities around the world.
But this is what I want to build, a nice little 2 seater version like this one.
posted on 17/7/08 at 09:15 AM |
If you search for "WIG aircraft" (Wing In Ground effect) you'll see that they've been used by many others and that there are
many homebuilt aircraft around.
I did a small project at University about this type of aircraft - as you say they are fascinating.
There are lot's of Radio controlled model plans available too.
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
Mr Whippy
posted on 17/7/08 at 09:42 AM |
There’s also a hovercraft that can be converted with bolt on wings so you have the option of each. I have looked at them before, quite like the idea
though the big the Ekranoplan was an accident waiting to happen (too big, to cumbersome and too low) bet it scared the crap out a few fishing boats in
its till
I say go for it, looks a really interesting project and fun to use.
this is the one I was talking about -
[Edited on 17/7/08 by Mr Whippy]
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 17/7/08 at 10:24 AM |
A UK Site with some info :-)
The model ones on the news page look good
D Beddows
posted on 17/7/08 at 10:39 AM |
Aren't these kind of the trike of the plane/boat world ie all the disadvantages of each craft (ie need huge power to take of/can't fly in
rough conditions) with few compensating benefits?
scotty g
posted on 17/7/08 at 11:11 AM |
I guess you're right in that they do have many dissadvantages but I think they are extremely cool and lets face it, if we all thought about
practicallity above all else then none of us would be on a site like this one would we?
D Beddows
posted on 17/7/08 at 11:15 AM |
No, you're absolutely right and by all means go for it! I remember seeing footage of the huge Russian ones on TV and they must have been quite
awesome things to see in real life - I was just checking though to make sure I hadn't missed the point 
posted on 17/7/08 at 12:29 PM |
I had a look at a microlight someones building - cost about £18k brand new + £9k for a second hand engine, can be stored & take off & land
from a farm strip, carries 2 people much like a Cessna 152, but will cruise at 100mph & 30mpg!! - just might be an alternative - don't
know if they do them with floats instead of wheels tho'
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Mr Whippy
posted on 17/7/08 at 01:25 PM |
quote: Originally posted by russbost
I had a look at a microlight someones building - cost about £18k brand new + £9k for a second hand engine, can be stored & take off & land
from a farm strip, carries 2 people much like a Cessna 152, but will cruise at 100mph & 30mpg!! - just might be an alternative - don't
know if they do them with floats instead of wheels tho'
as far as I'm aware the main difference is you don't need a pilots licence for a ground effect vehicle.
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 17/7/08 at 02:19 PM |
So what you need is a vehicle that stays in ground effect to 15,000ft
I like the Ekro's but can't see the point, but hey......
posted on 17/7/08 at 05:01 PM |
Flying on floats or on a flying boat is the most dangerous aviation there is. If you want to die young, continue.
Check the statistics and you will find several people die, and take other innocents with them, trying to fly float planes. I have known a lot of
I did it professionally for years, and I can tell you the concept of a moving airfield is introducing so many variables you wouldn't believe it.
It is very hard to land and take off in a float plane. There is an awful lot of friction stopping you from moving forward, and a lot when you get your
pitch wrong, and flip over when taking off or landing.
If you are serious, I suggest coming to the West Coast of Canada and get some serious training from people who do this every day. I won't even
get into the weather aspect - waterways don't have instrument landing equipment and restrict the practical usefulness of such craft.
Remember, a car can be pulled off to the side of the road in case of a problem. An aircraft is not quite the same thing. Howard Hughes was an
extraordinary individual, but he had the means to get the best training and engineers possible.