posted on 2/9/08 at 11:22 AM |
insurance again
apart from Adrian Flux, who else is cheap for kit car insurance?
I may want to change as my renewal notice came through and it seems more expensive than last year.
For the Landy, AF stuck on £ 20 or so as renewal fee - if I were to change insurer, then surely that would not apply plus I'd probably get new
customer discount = true or false?
posted on 2/9/08 at 11:27 AM |
Footman james were cheapest for me... including recoevery which the others didn't offer. Just as well really
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 2/9/08 at 11:33 AM |
^^^^ Wot coozer said. Cheers, Pewe 
posted on 2/9/08 at 12:03 PM |
Another FJ happy customer, current year £128 fully comp, roadside assist/recovery, 3000mls/yr, myself and son to drive
posted on 2/9/08 at 12:18 PM |
I had the same from AF a few weeks ago.
I just rang up and said something like "look just knock the £20 off so its the same as last year (~£160) so I don't have to mess around
getting a cheaper quote and ringing you back to match it etc etc, been a customer for years - how can you justify £20 for just posting out a new cert
same as last year except it says 08/09 instead of 07/08!"
And it worked.
posted on 2/9/08 at 12:25 PM |
yes ^^^^ my feeling exactly.
I'm gonna see if I can move my inbsurance else where to make my point.
let's see wht FJ say....
posted on 2/9/08 at 12:45 PM |
I told AF that I would not accept a renewal fee.
So the took it off again
Try it.
omega 24 v6
posted on 2/9/08 at 04:12 PM |
Another FJ happy customer, current year £128 fully comp, roadside assist/recovery, 3000mls/yr, myself and son to drive
Sorry for the thread hijack but how old is your son?? If you don't mind. Mine is still learing to drive atm but "wants" to be on the
7 policy. I reckon his only chance of driving it is at a trackday.
If it looks wrong it probably is wrong.
posted on 2/9/08 at 08:16 PM |
Here's 36, had his licence since he was 18
[Edited on 2/9/08 by wicket]
Mark Allanson
posted on 2/9/08 at 09:10 PM |
Mine is due in 7 days, AF gave me a silly quote of £260, but said they would match any other quote I got. They should give me the most competitive
quote they can first off. Not impressed.
Might try FJ this time - any other decent companies?
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation