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MK cruise to Newark
timcrasher - 20/6/04 at 02:55 PM

Hi, guys, I have just got back from Newark show. It was good to meet up with the Hellfire crew and Gordon ( MK Ninja ).
It was a enjoyable day apart from the dampness, and the little embarassing exit from the first roundabout we came to.
All I can say in my defence is that I phoned B.S.M. and they can fit me in for some driving lessons next week.
Gonna get the car checked out but the guys at MK said it will only be very minor damage.
I look forward to catching up with you guys again soon I hope.
Just a shame there was not more of us!

P.S. Managed to talk Roy( my passenger ) into parting with his hard earned. He ordered a MK deluxe kit, so another one will soon hit the road, ( but hopefully not the traffic island like I did)

[Edited on 20/6/04 by timcrasher]

[Edited on 20/6/04 by timcrasher]

spunky - 20/6/04 at 04:36 PM

Is it true Tim that Roy had the Camcorder running at the time...
If so it has to digitised and posted for all to enjoy
TBH I saw you spin nto the reservation and really expeted to see a 'folded' wheel.
Tough little cars the MK's.

Good too see some of you and put faces to cars. Bloody weather is glorious now...


Mk-Ninja - 20/6/04 at 06:48 PM

Great to see you guys and put faces too names. Hope the damage isnt to bad Tim.
No wonder you didnt catch me up

timcrasher - 20/6/04 at 07:39 PM

Roy tells me that he does have it on video so I will see what I can do.

richardR1 - 20/6/04 at 07:53 PM

Sorry to hear of the mishap timcrasher - didn't manage to see you at the show but car certainly looked good. Managed to catch a word with the Hellfire guys and picked up some useful info and some good pics. My kit is due in 3-4 weeks now, glad I ordered before the show as it looked like order forms were being filled in thick and fast. I may meet some more faces next Saturday as I am going to drop my donor items into MK on my way down the A1 to collect engine. 2003 R1 injection lump with 1800 miles on.
Then just got to make sure the finished product lives up to the standards you guys have set.

chrisg - 20/6/04 at 08:36 PM

I said to Tony

"Oh look, there's another MK coming the other way!"

Tim, You could have waited until I'd got the camera out.

I'm glad there wasn't any serious damage


BTW thanks Gordon, the bacon butties and coffee were much apreciated.

Mk-Ninja - 20/6/04 at 09:02 PM

Looks like Ive found my vocation in life

[Edited on 21:6:04 by Mk-Ninja]

Metal Hippy - 20/6/04 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Mk-Ninja
Looks like Ive found my vacation in life

Going on holiday?


Did you mean vocation..

Mk-Ninja - 21/6/04 at 06:12 AM

never could spell

timcrasher - 22/6/04 at 06:59 AM

Yeh, Gordon the bacon buttie was great.
Damage report: 1;Two knackered wheels, one of which is badly buckled
2;One snapped bolt holding the brake back plate/driveshaft on.
3;Lower exhaust silencer bracket and rubber bent ( lowest part of the car)
4;Steering rack moved 3mm back on the passenger side, just slack in the mounting holes.
5; dented pride and a medium size hole in my wallet!!!
Took the car for a drive and my brother who was following said it was running nice and true. it drove ok and was still as fast as ever.
For all of you who missed the action, I do appoligise, but as you can tell from my log-in name I am an old hand at this sort of thing. Good things come to those that wait,so maybe you'll catch me next time
Cheer all

Mk-Ninja - 22/6/04 at 07:11 AM

Not too bad realy. No serious damage ( apart from your wallet)
Maybe a bigger spring under the right pedal might help
